The Snowboard Project: Red Gerard - Gold Medals and the Joy of backcountry snowboarding - Episode 126 (2025)

Nov 23, 2019

Red Gerard - Episode 126

Red Gerard leapt onto the worldstage - by winning the Slopestyle Gold Medal at the 2018Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. After he became a sensation in themedia, quickly becoming known for his easy going attitude on showslike Jimmy Kimmel. But there is life after gold for the nineteenyear old professional snowboarder. He has gone on to film the shredflick Joy with fellow Olympian Ben Fergusson and Olympic GoldMedalist Sage Kotsenberg - discovering the backcountry andsledding, as well as the resolve to be safe when accessing theavalanche prone conditions out of ski areaboundaries.

We also go deep on his family - and the supportthey provide him in achieving his dreams.

It is fairly safe to say, thisis Red’s most in depth interview to date. Enjoy.

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Red Gerard Episode 126

Hosted by MarkSullivan

Produced by MarkSullivan

Associate producer DustinJames

Art by Aaron Draplin andSarat

Interview Transcription:

[00:00:00] Man like Mark Sullivan, thewarrior. So stay tuned for the cheating episode.

[00:00:04] Well, quite a lot ofuncooperative.

[00:00:17] Just flip this off. You toget lost. Mind your own business. So dangerous.

[00:00:21] Most of them have no brakeson them when you get skiers and snowboarders together on a rainyday looking for trouble. We just like to say that we don't wantthem at all.

[00:00:32] This is The SnowboardProject season to the story. I'm Stowe Stowe. So.

[00:00:46] Today's episode is broughtto you by Cardiff Snowcraft. So today I want to tell you a littlebit about one board in particular, because while it's caught myeye. So, you know, all the Cardiff boards are beautiful. But inparticular, I want to tell you about the goat. It's like thefreeriding board.

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[00:02:02] So go to Cardiff snow dotcom to learn more.

[00:02:08] Welcome back to theSnowboard Project. I'm Mark Sullivan. And so we're going to startout the show today a little bit. Definitely going to start out witha moment of silence for Jake Burton Carpenter. And I know thatwell, anyone is listening to this is probably a snowboarder. And sothey have been affected directly by Jake Burton Carpenter'sinfluence in the sport.

Mark Sullivan: [00:02:42]Ok, so on today's show, we have an Olympic gold medalist, aguy who is still a teenager, getting into the back country makingsnowboarding movies. You know, the world is his oyster as far assnowboarding is concerned. I'm talking about Red Jerod and RedJerod. We get pretty deep in this interview. We talk about makingjoy. We talk about kind of the the interview crush post-Olympics.We talk about his family and about riding and about all sorts ofthings. So this is a pretty in-depth interview with Fred Gerada.Hope you guys enjoy it. Thank you.

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Mark Sullivan: [00:04:36]Ok. So you just had your your movie premiere, Red. Joy,tell me a little bit about the premiere. How did you decide onHollywood versus like doing it in Tahoe or Salt Lake or in a skitown, let's say? Yeah.

Red Gerard: [00:04:50]I don't really know. I think so.

Red Gerard: [00:04:53]Aaron Black and Ryan Honkey are the producers of Joy. And Ithink we we just kind of left it up to them and they wanted to doit in like a pretty main city.

Red Gerard: [00:05:02]Yeah. For like the first one. But on November 2nd, it'sgoing to be in Salt Lake. And actually I think I'd like the thirtyfirst of this month. It's in Bend, Oregon. And then I'm going to doone in Cleveland, Ohio on November 16th or the 18th or something.Right. So our idea was just to do the opening one in in a biggercity.

Mark Sullivan: [00:05:28]Were there like a lot of snowboarders who showed up, whoflew in for it or traveled specifically to Hollywood for thepremiere?

Red Gerard: [00:05:35]I don't know. I didn't. I mean, there's definitely somepeople there. Apparently, they sold out on tickets. I've heard it.But a. I think a lot of it was just people that lived in L.A. likeEx-wrestler Zion, Ray and Alex Smith.

Red Gerard: [00:05:47]They're like pro skaters. That area, which we're pretty ispretty sick to see us.

Mark Sullivan: [00:05:52]Yeah. Now, this is like your your first movie that you werelike more involved than just like being an athlete filming in themovie. re-look more involved with that. Were you pretty much stilla guy who was just going out and filming to try to get a goodpart?

Red Gerard: [00:06:07]Not I think I definitely, like all three of us, felt prettyway more involved, you know, I did the two transferal movies, butthat had like eight to 10 writers and actors or something.Yeah.

Red Gerard: [00:06:20]But yeah, no, I think we I was is pretty cool because I wasfilming with my brother like all season, which was really nice. SoI got to see little leaks of the movie and all that where it was atrans world. And with trans well, you know, I just saw my part andthen saw the movie when it premiered.

Mark Sullivan: [00:06:39]Yeah. So what was like the concept behind Joy? Like whatwas like the idea that you guys kind of sat down and put togetherthat would make this different than just like a trick partmovie?

Red Gerard: [00:06:51]I know I would say, oh, like when we originally sat down,we our idea was to not just like look at just storms and wherewhere all the storms are heading, but let's spend, you know, amonth at a time in one location, like when we go to Jackson Holeand say, just go in there for a week. Let's go through let's gothere for a month and sit out through the bad weatherdays.

Red Gerard: [00:07:15]And, you know, when it heats up, because eventually I feellike every location at times can get good and sucks. When you go togo somewhere, you're like, oh, man, shitty. He's like, let's gosomewhere else. Then you go somewhere else. And all the suddenJackson Hole is firing again.

Red Gerard: [00:07:31]You missed out on that. So I think that was our originalidea. And other than that, I mean, just having it based on like themain three like me, Ben and Sage, and then having some other peoplecome along and bring in different people on each trip was kind ofour idea.

Mark Sullivan: [00:07:50]Would you and Sage wear your gold medals everywhere youwent with Ben just to kind of rub salt in the wound?

Red Gerard: [00:07:56]Yeah, for sure. Yeah, that was that was definitely a nicepiece of jewelry. Yeah. That's the only accessory that he couldn'tget. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. No but he he had the Olympic ringtoo.

Red Gerard: [00:08:09]So we were just throwing around a little pickedout.

Mark Sullivan: [00:08:19]It seems like a pretty cool crew and you guys are likeknown for competition, right, for a stage and you both at theOlympics were Ben the Olympics and other events.

Mark Sullivan: [00:08:28]But they're really from my understanding, anyway, I haven'tseen the movie yet, but there isn't really a focus on competitionin there. In fact, it's mostly powder.

Red Gerard: [00:08:37]Yeah, definitely. That was the main focus for they woulddefinitely go.

Mark Sullivan: [00:08:41]Is that related to the named Joy? Like you find Joy outsidea competition?

Red Gerard: [00:08:46]I don't know. I don't even know. I think Ben's age came upwith the name Tyler Orton and there in summer movie. I don't knowwhere they came up with joy, but I was in for it.

Mark Sullivan: [00:08:58]And where did you guys film like it was? Where were thetrips that you guys went on together?

Red Gerard: [00:09:04]Yeah. So we start off the year in Jackson Hole and that wasme then, Sage.

Red Gerard: [00:09:13]Nick Payton was there for a little bit. And then BrockCrouch as well. Mm hmm. And we were there for a while. And thenfrom there we went to X Games and we did a little piece onthat.

Red Gerard: [00:09:25]But then from there, me and Brock went to Japan and then wewent back to the U.S. Open and then to Tahoe for a while and toCanada to hand it off.

Red Gerard: [00:09:40]But Ben and Sage kind of we we split up after X Games andBen and Sage went back to Jackson Hole for a sec.

Red Gerard: [00:09:47]And then I think they went on up into Canada and then toMontana for a sec and then Madison Tallyho. And then they went backto Canada with us.

Mark Sullivan: [00:09:58]Ok. It sounds like you did a variety of different trips,went to a variety of different locations. What was your favoritetrip?

Red Gerard: [00:10:06]My favorite trip was going to. I never I mean, I've alwaysI kind of grew up there a tiny bit just because my brother Brendanalways lived there and I always went out there, visit him, but goon there to film.

Red Gerard: [00:10:19]I never knew, like, how much a place actually had to offerwhen it came to backcountry snowboarding. It was just like prettyeye-opening to me, amany like how many good days we had there andthe different varieties snowboarding. You know, you could readlines or you could build a jump or, you know, there's just somegood like actually some little pillow lines and stuff. And I neverthought Tato would have that.

Red Gerard: [00:10:43]And me and Brock almost spent like a month there, justreally pretty hyped on the whole situation.

Red Gerard: [00:10:49]Yeah, that was a pretty crazy season as far as snowfallwent last year. And Tom. Yeah.

Red Gerard: [00:10:54]Yeah, it was nuts. And you know, you always hear peoplesaying about how they get that cycle where it's like snows for fourdays, they get sunny for three days and snows birds for days. Andlike I never knew that was actually a real thing in this year thatit definitely and we definitely get to experience it.

Mark Sullivan: [00:11:12]Right.

Mark Sullivan: [00:11:13]Right. So was there like like one shot in particular, onejump that you built or one line that you did something they likesticks out the that made it into the movie that people can likelook at and be like that was the the most fun thing that you didlast year.

Mark Sullivan: [00:11:28]The the thing that you really kind of hang your hat on asfar as like that was like my best run or trick or whatever of theseason.

Red Gerard: [00:11:36]Yeah. Hundred percent the one this one jump that we hit intow. Here's me and Brock and we both like it was like kind of likeour first show that we built without Ben's age there. And it wasme, Brad Crouch, my brother Malachi, that built it, just us three.And I don't know, I I've always had a hard time building, just likeseeing the exact picture of how I wanted to turn out. And I alwaysend up building them just with a ton of lip by that. But we builtthis shop and we kind of did build it with a ton of live, but endedup working out really good. And both me and Brock like landed. Ithink I had three tricks on it in the movie and Brock, too, in themovie. In that jump, really, it's like the best day of our year. Ithink it was just such a fun session and it was Amy 'tween thatcycle where it snowed for days and it was like sunny for three. Soit was like third day. I was actually really warm outdoors, likesnow is heating up, but it was really, really sick. It was likefun. There's a lot of people there like watching the session andsays is kind of cool. Right on, right on.

Mark Sullivan: [00:12:45]So when do you go out and you break off from Sage and Ben?Guys, we're a little bit older than you, maybe a little bit moreexperienced in the back country. Who's like the stand and trailboss, the guy who's like kind of leading the charge and likedeciding like this is the jump spot.

Mark Sullivan: [00:12:59]This is where we're going to stop and we're going to startyelling, who does?

Red Gerard: [00:13:03]Yeah, I don't know. So is it between me and Brock forSheriff Brooks sometimes as a little bit a different idea than Ihave? Ηe likes you tend to like the lines, I think. I think he'slike a he's an AK guy.

Red Gerard: [00:13:17]I actually closet AK a guy. A closet. A exactly closet. AKguy.

Red Gerard: [00:13:22]But I don't know. I think we try to come together as both,but we also had some other people looking over us. Aaron Black,which has done a lot of all that, definitely helped us out a littlebit there. And he was with us every day, so. Yeah.

Mark Sullivan: [00:13:39]Ok. Now, do you already have like. You obviously have aschedule for a tour to do all these premieres around the country,including back in Ohio. Do you have you already made plans for thisseason or are you going to film this season? Like, do you have aproject already lined out?

Red Gerard: [00:13:54]Yeah, actually, I do. I don't really. I actually don'treally know if I can totally say yet. But yeah, I do.

Mark Sullivan: [00:14:02]Martin OK. So I wish I knew more.

Red Gerard: [00:14:04]I wish I knew because I think I can, but not where are yougoing to be working with, like a similar crew of writers or adifferent a new crew of writers? I mean, can we can we dig a littlebit here?

Red Gerard: [00:14:14]Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Kind of similar crew a definitely afew more. I think this movie will have more of like the movie basewhere all these section writers and not so much more like Joy waslocation based.

Red Gerard: [00:14:29]Like it started off the movie and Jackson then moved on toTodd and all that. Right. So that's how Joy was. I think this onewill be more rider influence just part by far. By far. Okay. Andthey'll have some pretty heavy hitter writers.

Red Gerard: [00:14:45]So there are. Are there any goals that you have as far aslike filming for this new upcoming project that that like thingsthat you kind of had on your list to accomplish for last season?And now you're like, OK, I didn't get that done last year. I needto do it this year.

Red Gerard: [00:14:59]Yeah, I mean, I think so. I think maybe just trying tospend some more time on the snowboard.

Red Gerard: [00:15:06]I get so distracted with all the toys in the back countrylike snowmobiling and all that, that I'll get all this me and Ireally want to fill that job for you. A sled around. So I think mymy goal for next year with all of that is to make sure to snowboardas much as I can.

Mark Sullivan: [00:15:23]Yeah. Because you end up just riding powder on thesled.

Red Gerard: [00:15:27]Yeah, exactly. It's like so easy to look at as Bob and belike occupy you like find one thing wrong with your head and justlike sticks in your head. So yeah, it's easy to get distracted andjust keep snowmobiling around looking for spots all thetime.

Mark Sullivan: [00:15:44]Right. So are you becoming like a sled neck?

Red Gerard: [00:15:48]I don't know. That's that's maybe more of a question forSage. And then they can they can decide you better coming on.Yeah.

Mark Sullivan: [00:15:56]Yeah, OK. Whereas sitting learned like, how competent areyou? Are you on a sled? Like, could you do like one of these likedownhill to uphill turns where you're headed downhill and then youdrop a foot to a foot plant and come back around and go backuphill?

Red Gerard: [00:16:10]I don't know. That's. I'd love to try, but I feel prettyconfident on one for sure. I kind of grew up back in Ohio, notreally riding dirt bikes, but always around motorbikes and likeknowing how to work a machine like that wasn't too hard for me tolearn.

Red Gerard: [00:16:31]And once I figured out the counter steering, I was like,kind of in love with it just felt really sick to do it turns andstuff and lakebeds.

Red Gerard: [00:16:39]And I mean, obviously the worst parts get stuck. But yeah,I'm an expert at that. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's the that's the easypart.

Mark Sullivan: [00:16:51]Yeah I know. Right. It's crazy because it's like it'sserious. You really get the hang of riding a sled. It's like you'reriding powder now downhill and uphill.

Red Gerard: [00:17:00]Yeah, exactly. It's like you almost get the same feeling onyour snowmobile as you can snowboard at times. It's deep enough andwhatnot. Yeah.

Mark Sullivan: [00:17:09]Yeah, totally. Okay. So are you gonna be doing a lot moresled missions this year? Zach, kind of like you're focused likegoing to contests and then sledding in the back country. You kindof mix it up among everything or. Or like, what's your focus forthe season?

Red Gerard: [00:17:23]Like when you say sledding, do you mean like snowboardingwith it? Obviously do.

Mark Sullivan: [00:17:27]Well, at least having the snowboard with you. I mean, someof us have harder times and other people like stopping and holdingjumps and actually us snowboarding off the sled. But. Yeah,yeah.

Red Gerard: [00:17:37]No, definitely. So yeah, my goal is definitely to snowboarda lot more with that. But I'd say I'm definitely doing a fewcontests this year. I I actually really enjoy doing the contests. II don't mind them at all. So I don't want to lose sight of those.But I'm doing a lot more a lot more film chips that are a lot morefilming, I would say. And yeah, hopefully build and build some morejumps and stuff. A lot more. Right on.

Mark Sullivan: [00:18:06]Have you ever done like a film shoot, like a straightstreet, like gone to Quebec and like filmed in the streets ofMontreal or Quebec City?

Red Gerard: [00:18:15]That's actually yeah. It's pretty funny. I have. We werewatching Jordan Smalls part yesterday that just came out and I wastelling my friends as I went on a street trip with that guy,actually. But I only when I say Chip, but Jordan Smalls, Theodoremuz and Jesse Paul and I went like one day and I kind of hit myhead like midway through. And I was like, all right, I'm actuallyBlackhomb is like right before the U.S. Open. So I shan't heal upand make sure as I'll get there. So I went on a small one. Ihaven't done too many. No.

Mark Sullivan: [00:18:49]Is that something that you want to do more of in thefuture, or is it something where you're like, man, I can't affordto hit my head and get taken out for the X Games? No, forsure.

Red Gerard: [00:18:59]I think so. Like, I don't I enjoy hitting the rails andstuff, too. And I think next year, that's also some dimension. Ithink I might try to do like one or two street trips because I doenjoy that. And I think there's like they know unless you guys havea lot of creativity that I think is really cool. So totally atleast try to do one ship and see, you know, if I can come up withsomething cool or if it's something I like. Yeah.

Mark Sullivan: [00:19:25]And try to do one right on it. So how do you like Sage?Like I mean you you're obviously exposed to every aspect ofsnowboarding.

Mark Sullivan: [00:19:35]Like how do you like kind of rank in terms of how gnarly itis like or like how sick or whatever, how how bad acid is like thethe street versus the the backcountry all riding versus the linetype riding like the AK right versus like the park riding andresort riding.

Red Gerard: [00:19:54]Yeah. I don't know. It is hard because if each one has itsown you know, its own like scary parts did not like street guysslam you know like all the time that they have that the risk ofgetting hurt. I feel like a lot you know, each railhead is like Ifeel like they can get hurt pretty easily, which is crazy. But thenthat country writing like maybe I mean, you stole the chance to gethurt, obviously. But the good news, you if like fluffy snow belowyou. But then, yeah, I deal with the chance of like being in anavalanche and all that, which is life or death. Yeah. So that canget really scary and then park riding. The good news is, I mean Idon't know Cartright. I mean you can get smoked doing but I saydon't know where I am, where my stand is there with like allthree.

Red Gerard: [00:20:45]Which ones natoli. As I said, they're both pretty prettygnarly and kind of scary to do. But I don't know.

Mark Sullivan: [00:20:52]Have you ever caught like a serious injury, like one thattook you out for like off or more?

Red Gerard: [00:20:58]I've been really lucky. Actually, I have. I've never brokena bone, which is so awesome. Knock on wood you have,right?

Red Gerard: [00:21:05]Yeah. No, I had asthma. I'm pretty psyched onthat.

Mark Sullivan: [00:21:08]Do you think that's like part of your success is like thefact that you have.

Red Gerard: [00:21:12]Been like kind of laid up on a couch for a month everyseason up to this point in your career. You know, because I think alot of people like it. Like small injuries or medium sizedinjuries, and they kind of lose part of their season. Right. And ifyou haven't had any serious injuries, it seems like you've probablybeen able to ride almost year round now for a while.

Red Gerard: [00:21:33]Yeah, for sure. I've been so lucky with allthat.

Red Gerard: [00:21:35]Now I think back. I think it's awesome. But maybe a littlebit. Yeah.

Red Gerard: [00:21:41]I don't know how. I mean, definitely I'm almost nowherenear, you know, counting injuries during the season. I've beenlucky enough where I haven't had many. So I mean, maybe that's partof my leg. Minor success.

Mark Sullivan: [00:21:54]Okay. So like, how do you like prevent yourself fromgetting injuries? Are you doing stretching? Do you have like astrict diet? Do you, you know, surf every day in the summertime tobe in good shape?

Mark Sullivan: [00:22:05]I mean, what are you doing to like prevent injury, likeahead of time?

Red Gerard: [00:22:09]I mean, to be honest, I really don't do much. I've beenshine in the last two years. I've been definitely trying to workout quite a bit during the summer and just stay really active is mything. And not like sitting around all day like I when I'm here inSo Cal right now, like the days this I like I actually like itDonner so much. You never find yourself or like, you know, I was ona really cool program this summer especially I wake up in themorning to workout with Chaske all the bond at like 6:30 in themorning and after the agard shaped like a surf sesh and then goskate for a little and then end it at nighttime with like asuccession too. And I think it's really cool here, like how activeyou can be.

Red Gerard: [00:22:53]So I don't know if that plays into it all, but I just tryto stay super active. Sure.

Mark Sullivan: [00:22:58]Right. Is it enough just to skate and surf or do you alsohave to do I mean, I see all these clips like Scotty James doingall these crazy like, you know, like the rope on the ground andjumping through all the steps of it and then, you know, jumpingover things and balance exercise and stuff like, yeah, that stuff,too. Or you pretty much just like skating, surfing, what whatever.Fun things that'll keep you busy.

Red Gerard: [00:23:22]Yeah. I feel like I mean, I don't know how much Scotty. Iknow he serves actually. I think he's pretty good surfing. I don'tknow how much he does it, though, but I feel like, you know, Scottydoes all those like workouts where the crazy balance ones knowwhere like if you just skateboard and surf, maybe you don't have todo those crazy exercises. At least that's that's what what's goingon in my head. I'm like, maybe I don't have to do all that. I canjust go skate, surf and have fun. But I definitely I try to do alot of like when I go to the gym, just a lot of, you know, bodyweight stuff and try to do some stretching and just shut it likenamely tight like it the surround the muscles around your jointsand all that and get a nice and, you know, ready for the season.Right.

Mark Sullivan: [00:24:11]Right. Now, how long have you been surfing? Because I knowyou're living pretty close to the beach right now, but I knowyou're not from the beach.

Mark Sullivan: [00:24:18]You're from Ohio via call California via Colorado. Butlike, how long have you been surfing?

Red Gerard: [00:24:24]I've been surfing place. That is like. I don't know. Imean, I definitely just started doing it in the last two or threeyears. Like every day. When I have off time. But I mean, I startedlike first time I went maybe five years or something. And I amstill so shitty on this airport. Like even like yesterday when Iwas paddling out, you look around, there's like people ripping allaround here, like, how do I even get to that level? I don't knowhow to do it.

Red Gerard: [00:24:50]So are you longboarding or short boarding?

Red Gerard: [00:24:54]I like the shortboard for sure. Have you ever beenbarreled? No, not really. Actually, once. I will say on a wavestore one time I like I felt foam go over my heads. I'm countingout. Yeah, that's me. That's my Batchelor at theirpeak.

Mark Sullivan: [00:25:10]Ok. OK. So. So have you ever been on like a surf trip, likeout to the mental wise or to Indonesia or someplace like that? Haveyou ever done those trips?

Red Gerard: [00:25:20]I want to do one really bad. I when I was younger, when Iwasn't really surfing, I went on to surf trip for more, just like avacation with Brock Crouch to Nicaragua. OK. And that was fun. Itwas like a couple of our friends. And then me and Gabe Fergusonwere on it, too. And we really surf.

Red Gerard: [00:25:38]So we just like rented these dirt bikes and rode around thewhole time while those guys were like literally getting their oldand stuff.

Red Gerard: [00:25:44]Really? But then, yeah, last summer this summer, my familydid a family vacation in Costa Rica. And like me, my brotherbrought our surfboards and definitely surf quite a bit. So that waspretty fun, but not like a Stowe.

Mark Sullivan: [00:25:57]Where would you go? Like, what's your dream destination forsurfing? Is it like Mexico? Is it like Southeast Asia? Where wouldyou go?

Red Gerard: [00:26:05]I don't know. Somewhere where I don't know enough aboutit.

Red Gerard: [00:26:08]I'd have to ask Brock or someone, somewhere where it islike three to like five feet or something, which is like a mellowwave recognition, sir.

Mark Sullivan: [00:26:18]Right. It's more about actually catching the waves thanlike just getting shanked or something.

Red Gerard: [00:26:24]It's totally about like how long my ride can be, not justlike if I can get there or they're not. I just want to, like, ridethe wave, I guess, you know, until the end and show you some coolcars or something.

Mark Sullivan: [00:26:36]Ok. So how do you compare like, you know, like thedifficulty of surfing, skateboarding and snowboarding? Becauseobviously you've won a gold medal in snowboarding. So maybe that'seasier to you just based on your experience. But how do you compareall three of those?

Red Gerard: [00:26:52]I don't know. I mean, I think each. Like I look at whatscape are doing now and like it's like saying like, I can neverpinch myself to the stuff that they're doing. And I look at thatwas surfing, too, like I compare. I looked at we went some big wavesurfing videos the other day and the like. I compare the big wavesurfing to like snowboarding AK like, you know, if there was goingto be a comparison, I think that that would be nice.

Red Gerard: [00:27:18]But I don't know.

Red Gerard: [00:27:19]I have no clue like necessarily why. I guess I've just beensnowboarding for so long and that's been the one that I've beendoing for ages. And since I was young, I would say.

Red Gerard: [00:27:32]That that's the easiest, I guess.

Mark Sullivan: [00:27:35]Right. So do you have ambition to become a big wave surferor an AK snowboarder?

Red Gerard: [00:27:41]Probably more of a case snowboarder because I just can'tsee myself on a big wave surfing, honestly. Yeah.

Red Gerard: [00:27:51]So when do you think that you would be ready for that, doyou think you need a few more years of doing backcountry boosters?You think you're ready right now? I mean, you've probably written aton of power ready for sure.

Red Gerard: [00:28:02]Like last year, we we did had one day in Canada, which wasa pretty good little warm up. Not as big as Alaska and all that.But I don't know if I'm necessarily completely ready forthat.

Red Gerard: [00:28:16]I had a lot of fun stuff that in Canada, but I honestly Ireally like to go out and build jumps in, like look for littlepoppers and pillows and stuff. That's like I feel like it's my typeof snowboarding a lot. Yeah, I really like to like I mean it wasreally fun doing all the healthy stuff and is cool being in ahealthy.

Mark Sullivan: [00:28:37]Was that your first time in a heli?

Red Gerard: [00:28:39]It was my second time. I did like one just free lap helihaliday in New Zealand. It's really sick.

Mark Sullivan: [00:28:46]Ok, so how would you describe like heli boarding to peoplewho have never done it before?

Red Gerard: [00:28:51]It's I mean, it's pretty sexy, just like you're in ahelicopter, which is insane. I like love that.

Red Gerard: [00:28:57]But basically they just like for us, we were hellion aroundin our L.A. pilot had like a couple ideas of where we wanted to go.So he would take us to that range and we'd just like a couplespots.

Red Gerard: [00:29:10]We landed at the bottom, looked around. Everyone pointedout their lines. And then we would take the heli up and go over thelines, which is really cool. You get to see it like almost like ina riding perspective in the helicopter when they go over it,because that's like something crazy.

Red Gerard: [00:29:24]And back in chains, like everything's so different whenyou're actually riding it.

Mark Sullivan: [00:29:28]Right. You can look up at it and it's like it looks one waylooking up at it and it looks nothing like it. Looking down fromthe top.

Red Gerard: [00:29:35]Yeah. One hundred percent. Exactly. So you kind of got thatwas like a big plus. You got to like look at it as you like if youwere writing, you know.

Red Gerard: [00:29:45]By.

Red Gerard: [00:29:48]I mean, that's kind of it. You just like buzz around an AKor whatever looks fun you whenever you think it shoots edge. That'swhat you're you're right.

Red Gerard: [00:29:57]You know, like, I guess I like to plan out some escapecrowds. If an avalanche were to happen, which is really scary tothink about.

Red Gerard: [00:30:05]I'm terrified of avalanches, but the right car with theright ways to go about it. I think they be safe.

Mark Sullivan: [00:30:13]So are you looking forward to doing more heliing thisseason? Are you? Is that something that you're like, OK? I want tokeep doing this and learn more about this side? Or you kind of likethat comes my way. I'll do it. Or is it something we're like mything. I want to get healthy again.

Red Gerard: [00:30:27]I think I'm right in between there because I'm like, I'mdown to go do it again. But it's not one of my priorities.OK.

Mark Sullivan: [00:30:34]What are your priorities in snowboarding? Are you moreinterested in, like filming, like just the sickest video part orlike winning another X Games medal or like going to the nextOlympics and defending your Gold Medal? Like what? What do you likeseeing as like your goals inside of the sport?

Red Gerard: [00:30:50]Right now, I would say kind of both of them, honestly. I'mgoing to try to split my time pretty evenly and hopefully I can doit, manage it pretty good now. But I'd say they're both prettyequal. I mean, I would love to win an X Games medal.

Red Gerard: [00:31:06]I haven't done that yet and I would honestly love to go tothe next Olympics, too. That was a really cool experience. I'd loveto do it again, but I definitely want to sell my shit too because Ihave a lot of fun doing that and I really like the idea of how youcan make your party your own. A lot of times in contests that'slike the bomber. You can't make your contest. You're on your ownbecause you know, the the course only gives you so much. And withthat country you have a whole whole mountain ranges of your owncreativity to go to do and your how to meet how you want youlook.

Mark Sullivan: [00:31:41]Right. So so where do you get like this creativity from?Like, what are you looking at to like? Are you watching skatevideos and being ICOM? Maybe I can take a little piece of thattrick or I mean, what were you kind of getting influence from?Because you're already at like this cutting edge of the sport wherebasically it's like there's no one who's already done the tricks infront of you. Now used to be five years ago, you could watch videoand be like, I want to go learn that trick. And now you're like,you don't know all their tricks. And so now you have to create newones. So where do you get that inspiration from to create newtricks?

Red Gerard: [00:32:13]I mean, let's see for a contest run. My idea is just it'slike it's a hit, such a high peak. I'm not really at the pointwhere, like, I don't really want to, like, invent new tricks oranything. Like, I don't really want to do that. I'm more to thepoint where, like, I want to start having the part features builtdifferently and get the average three jumps out of the contestscene and just to try to take different lines throughout the courseof it that way. But with. With that, can you found that I'm justkind certainly get into it. I don't really know. I'm just trying tofill a really good part. Owners then. I don't really know where mycreativity is at there.

Mark Sullivan: [00:32:55]Ok. So like, let's say that you had your own contest andyou could design your own slopestyle course. What would readJarod's slopestyle course look like in comparison to like what youwould see in current slopestyle courses?

Red Gerard: [00:33:13]I think my slips, of course, would be something that bothtypewriters and slopes our writers would write in, and it wouldkind of be what do Toure is doing right now, let them modify thesuper pipe. But I think maybe have it a little bit more slips outlike, you know, in that way. But no, I think it would have a coupleof half its and then a couple of slopestyle features and maybe itended off with like one big quarter pipe or one big wallread.

Red Gerard: [00:33:42]I've written down like a few ideas more in depth of that.But I think you know, and the gist of it all, a contest where ithits Bode half-white and slopes down and rails aswell.

Mark Sullivan: [00:33:54]Now with the rails, do you see the current rails as kind oflike skate style rails or as wakeboard style rails like on theclassics?

Red Gerard: [00:34:04]Yeah, I never really thought of as wakeboarding, said Stowerescues like waypoints. It rails are massive, right. They're reallykind of big. Yeah. In stuff, but I kind of signed on type ofrails.

Mark Sullivan: [00:34:14]Right. It's like you're kind of dislike you. Yeah. Right onit. Right there isn't like a lot of. Yes. Is not to make iton.

Red Gerard: [00:34:20]Yeah. I kind of see it as that honestly. Like when you goto axioms and shit like those rails are massive, they're like hugeand. Right. Definitely not. Escape was dile I would say. But likesometimes they can be created.

Mark Sullivan: [00:34:35]Would you change the real setups in these slopestylecourses to be more skate style than just like just these massivekind of spectacle style things that look good on TV?

Red Gerard: [00:34:45]Yeah, I think so.

Red Gerard: [00:34:45]I think I would include a lot more training with the rails,you know, maybe having one on like a half pipe wall or somethinglike that. Not just yet. You know, the average down bar, I thinkwould maybe be a thing or something.

Mark Sullivan: [00:35:01]So maybe a little more technical as far as like how you geton the rail and how you get off the rail.

Red Gerard: [00:35:06]Totally. Yeah. I don't think I'd be anything massive notwait for rail or anything. I think it would just be, you know, amore creative approach or something more creative. Wherevercreativity and where the rail is placed. Right.

Mark Sullivan: [00:35:22]Ok, that makes sense. But I'm not sure.

Red Gerard: [00:35:24]I'm totally just free with that. No clue. These are onlythoughts that I had.

Mark Sullivan: [00:35:29]Ok. I mean, to be cool, though, to see you like draw outyour designs and like, really, like, have you know, your influencebecause obviously you're qualified. You've won the Olympics. So Ithink your opinion matters. And it would be cool, though, to seekind of your take on like what an ideal slopestyle would be and seelike how these park builders would react to actually changing theterrain and making it like make the terrain progressed. Because Idon't think we're going to go much further than like 16 backside,16 triple by my.

Red Gerard: [00:36:01]You know, I mean.

Mark Sullivan: [00:36:03]What's your favorite trick to do? My 14s. Or is it honestthat I love the backside 360.

Red Gerard: [00:36:12]I think it's a really fun check. But I actually think Ithink the park builders would love to do it. I mean, I have toimagine I've talked to a lot of them. I've talked to Chris. ChrisGunnerson and all that. But I think that they would actually loveto do it.

Red Gerard: [00:36:29]It's your standards with F-5s and all that that you like toqualify for the Olympics. There's actually a appreciators a certainway that, of course, has to be right.

Red Gerard: [00:36:38]And that's why I like I love showing up to like to do toursand stuff when it's not Olympic year because they're always they'renot under any qualifications, then it's just abuilding.

Mark Sullivan: [00:36:48]Right.

Red Gerard: [00:36:49]I mean, me as a park builder, I would think that I wouldwant an open canvas just to go make some stuff.

Mark Sullivan: [00:36:55]Ok, so what's your favorite kind of event? You have thesekind of standardized fice events where they have three real threejumps. You have like a X-Games where it's just these massive gym,massive features and like gym session style qualifiers, finals. Andthen you have like the Dew tour, which is kind of a hybrid, butwith like really creativity in the courses, which is your favorite,what do you gravitate to?

Red Gerard: [00:37:20]My favorite, my two favorites are due taun U.S.Open.

Red Gerard: [00:37:23]I think do tours try some really cool creative stuff andit's pretty cool.

Red Gerard: [00:37:30]And then I think the U.S. Open like every year, they justthey do more stuff that I think more contests look at and theystart to try and do. And like I think even like this year will be acrazy year for I think there'll be some really new stuff. And Iactually made a solid peach. But I think it'll be a really coolyear for all that. And they're always at the front line forcreativity courses and they they kill it.

Mark Sullivan: [00:38:03]Thanks for to noon to another episode of The SnowboardProject. I'd like to ask you guys to rate review and subscribe tothe snowboard project. You know, all those reviews, all thoseratings make a difference to people's ability to search and findour podcast just out of the blue. So we really do appreciate youguys taking the time to rate review, subscribe and tell yourfriends about The Snowboard Project. Thanks.

Mark Sullivan: [00:38:46]Ok. Well, I want to change subjects here. I have somequestions, you know, about the Olympics, but actually not the samequestions you've been asked before. Because I've seen airinterviews of them. There were a lot of them. Right.

Mark Sullivan: [00:38:57]You did a lot of interviews and that's actually thesame.

Red Gerard: [00:39:00]Yeah. Right. It's like, OK, you know, 18 of your familymembers were there. We knew you forgot your jacket.Right.

Red Gerard: [00:39:07]We have you know these things, right, Billy? Yeah.Yeah.

Mark Sullivan: [00:39:10]All these things are like the kind of common knowledge, butit's like, what was it like? Like after winning, like in all ofthis? And then what was like the interviewer tour like? I mean,you've probably never done anything like this. I've never seenanything like this. It is like 50 interviews in a week. Right. Whatwas that like? How did that go down? Can you describe that? Likethat scene with next week after winning gold was like.

Red Gerard: [00:39:35]Yeah, it was not. It was even like the next week. It waslike the next 24 hours is crazy. So, yeah, I did that.

Red Gerard: [00:39:43]And then I light up until that moment after my run like Iafter I won. Like I still thought the Olympics was just like in XGames the whole course.

Mark Sullivan: [00:39:54]And I now I know like where the Olympics gets his big namebecause of how many. I think it's because of how many.

Red Gerard: [00:40:01]And like all these interviews and stuff and all thepublicity around it makes it the Olympics, you know? Yeah, it'sdefinitely not the cause or anything because I mean, that coursewas actually pretty cool, is definitely more creative. I thought Ithought I was sick when I was pretty sick.

Red Gerard: [00:40:15]The real sections were pretty sick and there weredefinitely. Yeah. Interesting. Joe takes on the jumps, too, likeyou did that like over like from a transition over the rail atreentry in the rail section.

Red Gerard: [00:40:25]That was. Yeah. Yeah I know. That's exactly what I thought.Like I like out of all courses. There's definitely more plain onesthat you know like that. Yeah. You know, top three most creative atbottom. So I. After that I went into like just so many interviewsthat day like twenty four hours of it almost just go and did someinterviews at that mountain. And then did my drug testing allthat.

Red Gerard: [00:40:53]And then I went like this in this car car ride down to themedia center and I was there prior to like 12 or 1 a.m. I thinkjust doing back-to-back interviews. And that's where you saw those50 you know, the 50 interviews, the same exact questions. It wasjust like hopping from each station to each station, you know, is amassive it was like being in a Lowe's just full of interview,interview people, you know, like each race, like CBS or whateverhad their station, ESPN had theirs. It was like being a differentphoto booth.

Mark Sullivan: [00:41:27]And then what? That next day actually is pretty chill. Ilike I listen until it's well, I got to go up and watch the women'sslopestyle, which was really cool. And then right after that wasdone, I went back down to the coastal side of the Olympics, whichwas like a two hour drive.

Red Gerard: [00:41:45]And did went to their media center and did alltheirs.

Mark Sullivan: [00:41:49]And by this time I was a chauffeur and like the handlersgoing everywhere with you in that kind of thing.

Red Gerard: [00:41:55]Yes, sort of. Sort of.

Red Gerard: [00:41:56]It was just mainly like my brother Malakai and my agentRyan Rocchi. And then there was like a little media team set up forfor all that that was controlling it. Mm hmm. And then that nextday I flew back to America, went to L.A. for I did like threeinterviews there, which was the Jimmy Kimmel one. Mm hmm. And thenI was a good interview.

Red Gerard: [00:42:22]Oh, thanks. I mean, people felt different.

Red Gerard: [00:42:24]There's like some people that didn't like it. Some peopledid like it.

Red Gerard: [00:42:28]But yeah, it was it was thought I was doing thesnowboarding. I thought you came across like a snowboarder. That'swhat I get, right?

Mark Sullivan: [00:42:34]Yeah. And then the people that weren't snowboarders didn'tlike it.

Mark Sullivan: [00:42:37]So you weren't polished enough for them. It's like I'm 70gaborik.

Red Gerard: [00:42:41]Exactly. I'm jet lagged as hell right now. I'm so I hate.But. And then from there I went to New York for two days and didlike Good Morning America and all that and did those and then wentback to the Olympics and no more interviews.

Red Gerard: [00:42:55]When I went back to Korea, I was like a.

Red Gerard: [00:42:59]I show is just getting ready for big air. There is one moretime. You know, but my I wish I like after doing the contest andafter settling down like I was so already, like complete, you know,after winning slopestyle that I was going back.

Red Gerard: [00:43:12]I didn't even care how I did it. Big and big air. You know,I actually ended up making finals. I was like, oh, myGod.

Red Gerard: [00:43:19]Like, kinda like, oh, almost a little bummed at the time.And like making finals and like, I don't even know what to do, youknow, like I have I don't have enough shakes for Big Bear. Like, Ihave no clue. But I wish I was a little bit more focused going intoit.

Red Gerard: [00:43:32]Like once I settled down I I kind of realizes like, dang,that would've been cool. You know, try to go for another medal orsomething.

Red Gerard: [00:43:40]But yeah, but maybe like I didn't have the pressure on youlike to the same degree. And maybe that's also why you made finals,you know.

Red Gerard: [00:43:49]Yes. Like 100 percent. Yeah.

Mark Sullivan: [00:43:51]And I lose your time zone. Like what? Did you stay in likeKorea time when you went back to America? Did you try to stay inthe Korean time zone? I do. I got so messed up. I went to Korea. Iwas just on the way there for like a week and a half, two weeks.Like most of the Olympics. I was jetlagged.

Red Gerard: [00:44:07]Yeah, yeah. Not I was pretty good. I mean, I went back toAmerica, was super jetlagged, waking up at like 2 a.m. and stuff.But I didn't. I just kind of dealt with it like I just did it all.It wasn't that bad.

Red Gerard: [00:44:20]Like going back to Korea was super easy for me because Ifelt like I still was a little down at times and I never reallyadjusted.

Red Gerard: [00:44:27]Like I remember waking up at like like in New York, wakingup like 3:00 a.m. and I called my girlfriend at the time, which wasshe's over. She was over in Korea. So I never really adjusted. Ifelt like. But, yeah.

Mark Sullivan: [00:44:43]Do you feel like a little bit weird about the fact that youhad like another contest at the end of the Olympics and you won thegold, but then they're like, OK, we're going to take you out of theOlympics, take you out of the way from your friends. And now youhave to go on this tour and jump through all these hoops. It'slike, yeah, you know, dance, clown dance. Right. You did that for aweek and then you're like, oh, get back into the mindset ofcompetition and Olympic victory right now.

Red Gerard: [00:45:06]It was a little bit weird, but I was actually so psyched atthe time, like, yeah, I was like all sick. I get to go back toAmerica like this can be so fun. Just guys like I love on trips,like I I love going back home and stuff.

Red Gerard: [00:45:18]I love taking the time and, you know, going backhome.

Red Gerard: [00:45:22]But it was weird coming back into it like my headdefinitely was a little bit like, you know, outerspace and allthat. And I think if I was more focused, I would have made more oflike a stretch to say, like, I'm good at like, I don't I don't wantto go back to America.

Red Gerard: [00:45:40]I want to stay focused for a big error. But I just wasn'treally like took it all there for Big Bear. Right.

[00:45:46] So they put the decisionpartially in your hands, whether you do this whole media gantletEPU room.

Red Gerard: [00:45:52]Yeah, it's pretty 50/50 for sure. Like I think I couldargue did to go.

Mark Sullivan: [00:45:56]Ok, so what was the first meal that you had after winningyour gold medal in America? What was like the thing you're like,okay. I can't wait to have Taco Bell or whatever. What was it,dude?

Mark Sullivan: [00:46:05]I think it was to pull away. Honestly, I have no. I'mtrying to think. I think is viable. Yeah. Really?

Mark Sullivan: [00:46:12]So you're Donner maybe you maybe like.

Red Gerard: [00:46:14]Yeah, maybe even room service. I can't really remember. Iknow once I got the first thing I did when I got back from Koreaafter Big Bear we went on like a whole other media tour, but itstarted in L.A. again.

Red Gerard: [00:46:25]The first thing I did when I got off the plane, I wentstraight edge. Okay. Nice. Yeah.

Mark Sullivan: [00:46:30]What do you think of the food in Korea? I thought thebreakfast was a little bit crazy. Yeah. Yeah, I like the foodthere, but it was definitely different, you know.

Red Gerard: [00:46:39]Yeah, for sure. Definitely was a little different. Ithought his Big Bear the Korean barbecues. Yeah.

Red Gerard: [00:46:46]Like the ones in the athletes village. I thought I thoughtthat the village food was not that great, but we were super lucky.The US team had like their own USA house which left athletevillage.

Red Gerard: [00:46:57]There's like a bus leaving every 15 minutes and they werealways cooking up food for us, which is really nice of them. Allright.

Mark Sullivan: [00:47:04]So you could get something anytime you want. That wasactually like healthy. Good. Do they have, like me? Exactly. Theathlete village.

Red Gerard: [00:47:11]It was it was a weird scene like the they had at anythingyou want. It was like a world class one.

Red Gerard: [00:47:16]it was like you could get like sushi. That was not thatgreat sushi or like pizza that like totally tasted like, you know,I got it was out of a frozen freezer. But then like Hailie and KyleMac. But I was in America doing my like inbetween contests. Theywent down to the coastal one night, the coastal athlete village,how much the eating place there. And they said the food there waslike fantastic.

Red Gerard: [00:47:41]And they loved it. Really, really. But the mountain wasn'tthat good.

Mark Sullivan: [00:47:45]I guess you got the short end of the stick up in themountains.

Red Gerard: [00:47:48]So yeah, I guess that was pretty mellow though I think inthe athlete village because it's like people who were in themedia.

Red Gerard: [00:47:55]We don't get to go into the athletes village. So I'm justcurious. Like what? Sassine, like, what's your accommodations likewhere you're staying?

Red Gerard: [00:48:02]Accommodations were a little interesting, we were actuallypretty squished. It was like me and Kyle Macro's shared a room. Butin our apartment building, in the same building, it was like ChaseJosie and Jake Pates were in the room right next to us. And thenBen Ferguson was there in Ryan's day. So Chris chording were in aroom, those really small apartments with like 30 rooms in eachapartment. But it was cool where with like we knew everyone. We hada really good squad. It would have been different if it was likeyou roomed up with someone that did like bobsledding or something,you know, because everyone was in the same building, like we had aUSA hotel. Basically, it was like a tower, you know, just rooms init. That was all USA. So school then to Paris up with their friendsand stuff.

Mark Sullivan: [00:48:50]Did you guys get in to any run in with the authorities? Imean, I know you guys are snowboarders and I know that you're outto have a good time as well. And after the pressure was off, Iguess you were probably caught up in this, the media crush afterthat and probably on your best behavior, I would imagine as well,because all eyes were on you. Did you get into any trouble or haveany.

Mark Sullivan: [00:49:12]Like, you know, hijinx over in South Korea? No. Let'ssee.

Red Gerard: [00:49:21]No, no, I didn't actually in like, you know, any time I wasmessing around, my whole family was there. So I went to hang outwith them. And that was actually the best meal I had was with myfamily and some Korean barbecue. Right now, everyone was sofire.

Mark Sullivan: [00:49:37]Everyone knows it. Like 18 of your family members werethere. I think your brother was at the top of the half pipe or theslope style rate before you dropped in. Is thatcorrect?

Mark Sullivan: [00:49:49]Your brother? No. He was in because he was so hard to getyour attention since I write a lot of data in there, but he wasn't.But I remember Frankie Chapman was there, which is reallycool.

Red Gerard: [00:50:01]He's like one of my best buds. OK. That was said to havethem up there. But now they were all down on the bottom. It was sohard to get your attention.

Mark Sullivan: [00:50:08]Something right. I mean, it's pretty, pretty gnarly. Butwho.

Red Gerard: [00:50:13]Who were the family members that came out? Obviously, youryou have a big like God direct family. But then, I mean, not 18brothers, sisters and parents. So who were the people there fromyour family? Let's talk about your family for a few minutes,because you I think in a lot of your interviews, you're like, hey,man, I'm stoked. My family's here. Right. Let's talk about yourfamily being there and pay them the respect theydeserve.

Red Gerard: [00:50:34]Yeah, totally. So all my brothers and sisters, there'sseven of us, including me and then my mom, my dad and then mycousins were there.

Red Gerard: [00:50:44]And then basically, I think was. Just mycousins.

Red Gerard: [00:50:50]Other than that, which is basically like we were we were ona really tight family, like my cousins are basically your brothersand sisters and stuff, and we're always spending Christmas togetherin a few of my cousins live like 30 minutes from where I'm at rightnow.

Mark Sullivan: [00:51:04]So we hang out with them like every weekend and stuff. Soare they snowboarders, too?

Red Gerard: [00:51:09]Yeah, everyone Stowe was not as much as I do, but it wasnowhere.

Red Gerard: [00:51:13]All right. So let's talk about that. Like, how did youactually, like, learn how to snowboard? I understand that yourolder brother kind of taught you how to ride at a very youngage.

Red Gerard: [00:51:24]Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My older brother and my dad, I think fromwhat I can remember, my dad, just like we're in Whistler Blackhombonly family trip was super. Yeah. I think they remember this, butmy dad used to just carry me up the hill because he wanted in lifttickets for me and just send me down the hill. And I remembermoving out to Colorado the first you removed out here. I thought Iwas such a king on us. No, we're back in Ohio like ribbon on nails.Got here, went up a chairlift. I was like, oh, my God, these menare so much bigger. And we're just bombing down the whole hell andsliding my sliding to my butt. And if I did that for like the firstseven, 10 days out here and then I finally learned to like linksome cars.

Mark Sullivan: [00:52:06]So do you learn how to ride a bike first or how tosnowboard first?

Red Gerard: [00:52:11]I think it was kind of both that same year, too, it was twoyears old, that was a big year for me apparently because I learnedhow to ride this little dirt bike that we had, this little Honda 50and a bicycle. That same year. And so it's skateboarding andsnowboarding.

Mark Sullivan: [00:52:26]So how did you actually like what was the impetus toactually move from Ohio to Colorado? Because I don't really youknow, I don't understand how that happens. I would like a wholefamily picks up and moves like across the country, youknow?

Red Gerard: [00:52:42]Yeah. It wasn't even it definitely wasn't for me by anymeans. It was. My mom, just like my brother Brandon, went toCrestview Academy in Colorado and my mom and dad did like a couple,two years in a row. They did like visits to him out there and theyloved it a lot. My mom hates when I say this, but she was hit. Iwas is like a little bit like a midlife crisis sort of thing whereshe has had to get out of Ohio because I'm in the winters is likeit can get pretty ugly. Pretty depressing. Depressing. Sorry,depressing. Yeah. Just so dark. And, you know, it's like reallycold and so dark.

Red Gerard: [00:53:24]And my dad can work from home, from home. So it was apretty easy thing to do. The first year we just rented a house andkind of brought everyone out there for the winter. And then we didthat for a couple of years and we went out there in the winter andthen went back to the summers, did that for three or fouryears.

Red Gerard: [00:53:45]And then one year we just stayed out there full time. Andeventually my parents ended up selling the house in Ohio and buyinga house out there.

Mark Sullivan: [00:53:54]Cool. You know, my mom actually came from a big family,like kind of like yours. And it struck strikes me that like everykid in that family is like different. Right. They all havedifferent flavors. They all went on to do different things in theirlife. What is it like? What is your what do all your brothers do?Like what is Creighton do right now?

Mark Sullivan: [00:54:14]Where's he at? Core?

Red Gerard: [00:54:18]Honestly, they should know this. And I kind of do. He'slike. He's like. And his lawyer's assistant, which I'm probablysaying that really wrong and has some title. But he lives actuallyback in Cleveland. He's lucky with his jobs every month. He getslike he gets like 10 days off every month. So he'll usually go backout to Colorado and go hang up my parents because he he's slowlyturned.

Red Gerard: [00:54:46]I think get out of Cleveland a little bit. Right. And thenTrevor works for fall shoes and Malachi works. I mean, he's a filmor he's he's filming the then our next year project aswell.

Mark Sullivan: [00:55:00]But any and Trever, live with you right now inOceanside.

Red Gerard: [00:55:04]Yeah. Yeah. They live. Yep. And then what? So then, yeah.Chi also helps out with my sister.

Red Gerard: [00:55:13]She does. My sister's a food blogger. She Bone zonebusiness called half a Tavis. Right. And my brother Malik makes allof her videos over food and all that.

Mark Sullivan: [00:55:25]Really? She's like famous. So she's like in certaincircles, she's more famous than you.

Red Gerard: [00:55:30]Oh, she's way more famous than me. And she. She kills it.She, like, has almost a million Instagram followers and all thatand really always is flying to New York and find Ali and stuff ontalk shows like every day.

Red Gerard: [00:55:41]And people love love her. He has got to check it out. Thereis less than you know.

Mark Sullivan: [00:55:46]But what's the best meal she's ever made for you? Because Iassume she knows how to cook.

Red Gerard: [00:55:51]Pretty good. Yeah.

Red Gerard: [00:55:52]And I've been trying again to cook, too, as I've done,like, you know, living in my own house. Now, I've been trying toget into it, but she. The best to try this one. It's been goingaround in the family for a while. It's pretty easy. But she'spotato chip chaikin. Get some chicken crush ups and potato chipsand put LONGERGAN over the college meal.

Red Gerard: [00:56:14]But it's pretty fiery. I love it.

Red Gerard: [00:56:16]And she makes amazing, amazing dishes, though, like reallygood pastas and all that. And her sweets are unbelievable. I likeyour desserts.

Mark Sullivan: [00:56:26]And that's Teagan, right?

Red Gerard: [00:56:28]That's Teagan then Brandon.

Red Gerard: [00:56:30]He is like a manager of a shipping warehouse in L.A. thatis now wife.

Red Gerard: [00:56:39]It's his like his wife's sister owns this business and heruns the shipping department of the business.

Mark Sullivan: [00:56:44]So how does he feel about having a younger brother who islike an Olympic gold medalist?

Red Gerard: [00:56:51]I think he loves it.

Red Gerard: [00:56:53]I don't know.

Red Gerard: [00:56:54]I actually cannot really tell you anything they ask them,but I think he likes it. I love when he likes. There's a couple ofcontests that he'll fly out for.

Red Gerard: [00:57:03]And like, it's funny seeing him snowboarding isn't really.He lives in L.A. now and doesn't snowboard as much as he used to.It. Do it, runs it, and then like I was sleep on, like how good hewas. All right.

Mark Sullivan: [00:57:16]Ok. So I imagine that your family is, like most others,their sibling rivalry. Right. And so all of your family's snowboardzoĂ. And so, you know, I remember this very distinctly when Iactually considered myself least on my own, had better as asnowboarder than my older brother.

Mark Sullivan: [00:57:32]When did you get better at snowboarding than Trever,Brendan Chye and Crighton?

Red Gerard: [00:57:39]I don't know. I would say when I got better than Chi Chiwas my main competition and his younger brandnew was out ofreach.

Red Gerard: [00:57:48]Yeah, yeah, he was too good. But I got better than Chi Chilike had some unfortunate injuries and all that from snowboardingwhen he was younger. And I think he'll save. And I just passed himon to one of his injuries out of that. Well, I just came home and Iwas a little bit older than him or something.

Red Gerard: [00:58:07]And then, Brandon, I know that you could eat.

Red Gerard: [00:58:10]That's a question for him.

Mark Sullivan: [00:58:13]He'll never forget that day.

Red Gerard: [00:58:15]Yeah, he's still sleeping. He thinks he is the better onestill.

Red Gerard: [00:58:18]Yeah. You've got you've got some other hardware to conteststhat.

[00:58:22] Yeah. You know, but he'spretty good at arguing. He's the arguer of the family. You can winany argument so.

[00:58:29] Well you think you're winnerand legal brother Creighton would be the betterarguer.

[00:58:33] Yeah he is. But he sleeps.He's real quiet about it. He's the, you know, really low key abouteverything. He just kind of hangs out. Okay. Okay.Cool.

[00:58:43] Yeah. And Trevor stillwriting to write.

[00:58:46] Yeah. Yeah. All right. Heactually just flew to Colorado today. He's going to get some workout there. And you snowboard, too.

Mark Sullivan: [00:58:54]Cool. So. So when does your season actually begin? Like,when are you like, pack in your bags from Oceanside and being like,this is winter time now. I'm now in snowboard season.

Red Gerard: [00:59:07]I think it kind of already happened.

Red Gerard: [00:59:10]I always feel like it happens like right when we go to NewZealand, but I think it realistically full time happens like whenwe go to go to Europe for all those training camps.

Red Gerard: [00:59:21]So you're going to have to start talks at the end of themonth. Stuff like that. Yeah. I flew from Europe to like Joy forthe premiere there. So you guys are stomping ground park session.That's awesome.

Red Gerard: [00:59:34]Yeah, I did that. And I feel like that's where it alwaysstarts. And I'm supposed to fly back to Europe all. On the thirtyfirst of this month. But I don't know. The snow's a little low overthere so we'll see if it everything goes there. But yeah I'd saywhere are kind of started.

Mark Sullivan: [00:59:49]I feel like you ever get sick of like going back and forthto Europe or like cross the world, jetlag, everything. I mean,you're like, I've got to come back for a few days and I got to goover here for three days near a different time zones and locations,languages, foods, all that stuff. Do you ever get sick ofthat?

Red Gerard: [01:00:06]Dude, totally. I mean, like all the time, especially whenI'm over there, like, I feel like I was younger, I used to dealwith that, like I feel like I remember myself. I go to Europe withthe U.S. team for like months on end and like, loving it, you know,like 9V going to leave when I like when we are leaving. And now I'mover there for like ten days and like I'm ready to be home. And abig thing for me with all that, it's just like if I had the optionto leave early, like paying the is to change your flight and gohome early helps me out a lot or not even change the cost. Butleaving the location of like sore SFAE or something and going downas Erik like two days early and spending my time in Zurich insteadof, you know, up in the mountains helps me out a lot. But pre-Iowa,does it mean like when you have to go to places and the place youget my airline miles and all that and you can look forward tothat.

Mark Sullivan: [01:00:59]Did did winning the Olympics change your like financialoutlook in life?

Mark Sullivan: [01:01:05]Like what kind of impact did that have?

Mark Sullivan: [01:01:07]Did you like having all these major sponsors just floodedso you could make decisions like to go to zerk for two days and youhad a little more freedom to travel the way you wanted to to go towhere you want to, because people are like a little moreaccommodating of an Olympic gold medalist, let's say, than not. Didthat also change like your sponsorship deals and your financialsituation as well?

Red Gerard: [01:01:28]I mean, I honestly like maybe a little bit, but I I don'treally know. Like, I feel like. Did you get my distance? I got onefor personal, not one that was out there, but who I always leave itall up to my agent.

Red Gerard: [01:01:46]They made one for you that you got to have that you haveunder article or something. Gotcha.

[01:01:51] Yeah, exactly. Not one thatthey like advertised. I think Chloe Kim got that one.

Red Gerard: [01:01:55]You were in competition with Chloe and they're like, oh,she's.

Red Gerard: [01:01:59]Yeah. Any time I'm in competition with her, I'm like, OK, Iknow where this is headed. Right. Yeah.

Red Gerard: [01:02:06]Like, she deserves it. She's killers. Yeah. But yeah. Yeah,I don't know.

Red Gerard: [01:02:11]I always just try to keep that up to my age and stuff andfocus on what I what I know how to do right now.

Mark Sullivan: [01:02:19]Do you have like you obviously have an agent Runke. Do youhave like a financial manager and do you have a manager as well.Like obviously Runke is making all these deals from you. You havesomeone who's like telling you like, okay, here's what you shouldbe doing and this is what you should be getting ready for. Likeactually managing your time. Yeah. Versus like managing your yourfinancial wherewithal.

Red Gerard: [01:02:39]Yeah. Yeah. A little bit. I mean I. My brother Malik does alot of that for me. He's really good with all that and kind ofplans a little bit of my season and what I should be doing wheneverI've questions was area a full on manager.

Red Gerard: [01:02:55]But yeah, I definitely definitely lean lean on him a lot.For all that he it manages my schedule on because it's just randomstuff that pops up and then he kind of looks at some of that likedenies some of them and you know, whatever is going to be betterfor my head. I think he's got the best interests.

Mark Sullivan: [01:03:16]Do you and your brothers still fight?

Red Gerard: [01:03:18]Because I know that I know my brother the time.OK.

Red Gerard: [01:03:22]I guess the last argument you got in with your brothersthat got heated all the time.

Red Gerard: [01:03:29]Every time.

Red Gerard: [01:03:30]But Brandon, with Brandon and we're always on familyvacations, I'm always arguing with Jesse, like on an argument inperson. And he's argumentative person. So it's like if somethingpops up, it's no brainer. Like, Oh, I know that. Like, I know thatfor a fact we'll go at each other for days. Reallyand.

Red Gerard: [01:03:47]Yeah. Well now guys, I'm getting like little fights butnothing. Nothing too bad.

Mark Sullivan: [01:03:51]Just answer age. The bigger the fights.

Red Gerard: [01:03:54]Yeah. Like we're always getting in fights here. So that'slike never has changed.

Mark Sullivan: [01:03:58]Ok. Do you guys what? You're 19. How old is. How old'sBrendan now.

Red Gerard: [01:04:05]Twenty eight or nine. He's getting close to 30. He'sgetting older. OK.

Mark Sullivan: [01:04:12]So there's like some distance. Like, how old is your oldestbrother? How old is your younger sister?

Mark Sullivan: [01:04:17]Like, what's the range? It's nuts. Yeah. My younger sisteris ten or eleven and my older brother is.

Red Gerard: [01:04:24]Oldest brother is.

Red Gerard: [01:04:26]Like thirty six, I want to say thirty five, thirty four.OK. Somewhere in that range. Yeah, I got it.

[01:04:33] There's a lot of kids. Butspaced out quite a bit. A heavy space for. Right on. So is itstrange having a brother who's like.

Mark Sullivan: [01:04:45]You know, I mean, literally from a different generationthan you, I mean, you're all gathering as a family, but it's likeyou have one brother who's 15 years older than you and a sisterwho's almost 10 years younger than you, you know?

Red Gerard: [01:04:56]Yeah, a little bit. But like I say, we'll make it together.Like the people, the person that like I get along with the best andhave like sometimes the most fun.

Red Gerard: [01:05:03]Bonwit is my oldest brother. And just because really is thebest is also positive. But everything in life is all about having agood time. And I think that like all the cool stuff that like I getto do.

Red Gerard: [01:05:16]Like when I tell him about it, he kind of freaks out aboutit like more than I do. And I'm like, this is way too cool to havelike that. I really like to share these things easier said withnice.

Mark Sullivan: [01:05:27]So what is it like a Gerard family gathering look like? Imean, do you start getting Gerarded? Do you put on the ClevelandBrowns game? I mean, what does it look like?

Red Gerard: [01:05:37]You just said it right there. Yeah, yeah. It's like a mixof what everyone saw at the Olympics to the Cleveland Browns to acouple arguments popping off and.

Red Gerard: [01:05:52]Sub it's honestly like just a big gathering, like if youcan just manage in a big gathering.

Mark Sullivan: [01:05:58]Is how many cases of beer at a good Gerard family gatheringa lot, honestly, like I couldn't even tell you then. But let's seethe last one in Costa Rica, there is multiple store ships everyday.

Mark Sullivan: [01:06:14]Really? OK. So who's gonna puke? Centralia Police. Oh,who's pre-code first?

Red Gerard: [01:06:21]My brother Brandon. He's got that one dialed and he's gotthat one down. And he's known as the Big Brother. So, yeah, it allamounted to. It's funny is his wife Lindsay is like, you know,they'll be late night. She'll just be telling stories all the timeabout how like a different drug story or something. Really? OK.It's hilarious. It's just fun. Fun times. Yeah, righton.

Mark Sullivan: [01:06:48]So where do you see yourself like going with snowboard? Doyou have ambitions in the sport? Like, okay, you've accomplished Imean, on paper, what most people would say are like the highestgoals that you could achieve. You got a gold medal.

Mark Sullivan: [01:07:01]You know, you. Yeah. Here on the national team, you've hada one off Wheaties box, I guess, sort of, you know, what are yourgoals like long term personal where you want to pro model, you wantto have your own video production company sponsor kids. I mean,what would you want to do, like with your life and snowboarding? Tome, they like every opportunity, anything you could want to do isgoing to be laid out for you.

Red Gerard: [01:07:26]Yeah, I mean, I know I'd say it's something I'm trying tofigure out right now, which is, you know, maybe try to look alittle bit at my future. But one thing that like has alwaysinterest me is like, you know, I definitely I just want to be likethe like the snow whereases. Getting Writer of the year would belike a really cool thing. I think that would beawesome.

Red Gerard: [01:07:47]K. Rider of the Year. Yeah, we're gonna we're gonna doveinto this a little bit because we can figure this out right now.Get some good goals and you know, totally.

Red Gerard: [01:07:55]Yeah.

Red Gerard: [01:07:55]But I wanted it to be like a for a couple more years. Youknow, it choose nowhere that films video parts, you know. Does thecontest see and I would love to win an X Games gold medal or not.Not X games. You'll not just X Games medal in general. I thinkthat's always something I wanted to do as a kid. But I love just tokeep them on video parts. And then something that's alwaysinterested me was like being, you know, an interview person. Whatwhat's that call like? That's a professional term for that. Ajournalist. A journalist.

Mark Sullivan: [01:08:28]Yeah, I think you're right. You make a good interviewer.You know, you really have an easy way of dealing with it, you know?Yeah. So I do appreciate that. And also, by the way, in all ofthose interviews you did. post-Olympics, it's like men. Youactually just stepped into all these weird, crazy situations, likewhat was the craziest interview you had? Like, what was thecraziest like situation you got thrown into right after theOlympics? I saw it. It's like NFL video with these guys who arelike football players.

Mark Sullivan: [01:08:57]Yeah. There's so many of us.

Red Gerard: [01:08:59]There's so many of them, for sure. The one that always gotme, you know, the shark tank shell. Yeah.

Red Gerard: [01:09:04]Yeah, that's true. As in like some New York building someinterview and they like jumped into my green room. I was likeliterally sleeping on the couch. So jet lag and this is even aninterview situation. But I talk to them for a while. I was like, Iam literally just talking like billionaires. I.

Mark Sullivan: [01:09:22]I said, OK, I've got this idea for this amazingproduct.

Red Gerard: [01:09:26]No. They said they said they're like, you got any idea?Like, if you ever got any ideas, like, hit me up, here's my cardand it's a hit.

Mark Sullivan: [01:09:35]I'm never gonna be anything. But what about like starting asnowboard company?

Red Gerard: [01:09:39]Like I mean, there's certain people like Jeremy Jones.Let's say he would be like the the most direct account put usthrough.

Mark Sullivan: [01:09:44]Hey, you got a whole you got a whole business right therebetween your brothers and your family. You've got a whole staff ofpeople right there that could run a snowboard company withyou.

Red Gerard: [01:09:53]Yeah. I'm saying it's no company.

Red Gerard: [01:09:56]I maybe, maybe in the long term. But I don't. I don't knowif I can ever do it.

Red Gerard: [01:10:02]Okay, let's go. You know, a lot.

Mark Sullivan: [01:10:04]Yeah. And the journalism, that's a little bit harder. Likehow how do you, like see journalism moving forward, though? It'slike I'm doing interview with you here right now. But there's nowInstagram. There's videos. I mean, where is snowboarding journalismgoing? Because if you're gonna be a journalist here in the future,I need to know where to start setting my sights for thefuture.

Red Gerard: [01:10:23]Yeah, I don't I don't know. Like I look at Jackman,Charlie, I don't even know if he's like a journalist necessarily.But I think that he does a kind of cool in a way attimes.

Mark Sullivan: [01:10:34]Yeah. It's like purchase tonality turned journalist,right?

Red Gerard: [01:10:38]Yeah. Yeah, I don't. But it's it is weird because it'slike, you know, where is journalism going? Necesary is like how Imean to know it's like Instagram.

Red Gerard: [01:10:49]I think Instagram is just ruined. So many things. Andespecially in snowboarding, like video parts and stuff, it's likeeverything's just like an Instagram video now. Like I get even likeit's like my news and like stuff that's going on around the worldfrom. From Instagram.

Mark Sullivan: [01:11:03]So I thought it's such a crazy thing that, you know, thatwe're gonna break this interview up into a one hundred Instagramposts.

Mark Sullivan: [01:11:10]Each one has an answer. Yeah, that's what I felt like. Theshow, all the joy stuff.

Red Gerard: [01:11:15]I was like and we are breaking this up into like a lot ofInstagrams right now.

Red Gerard: [01:11:21]Right. And you're going to REI's average it like 100different ways and like have a new clip to drop every day from nowuntil next year, I guess.

Red Gerard: [01:11:29]Something to eat. Yeah, exactly. Exactly.

Mark Sullivan: [01:11:32]It's like it's like the whole process of making the movie.But then there's the whole process of like repackaging the content.One hundred different ways.

Red Gerard: [01:11:40]Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Just how long can we pushyourself.

Mark Sullivan: [01:11:44]So where do you think Instagram will go. Like what do youthink. Like the answer is for that stuff.

Red Gerard: [01:11:50]So I can't see it. Yeah.

Mark Sullivan: [01:11:51]I mean I mean you probably have an Instagram. Do you manageyour own Instagram page or did someone else do?

Red Gerard: [01:11:56]I do. I do. Yeah, I do my own. But then like my brotherMalka does all my posts basically. Okay, like all the all the onesthat I have to get done and all the sponsored ones, he does that.And then I'll make some all the random like dumb ones. You seethose ones are usually me.

Mark Sullivan: [01:12:12]Okay. Okay. So. So do you have like a strategy forInstagram or are you just kind of like, oh, that was cool posts upreserve like, okay. On Mondays at 8 a.m., I I dropped this thingand then I engaged with people after they they interact with me. SoI get the best all algorithm hit or something like that or.Yes.

Red Gerard: [01:12:29]Like kind of having I just kind of throw it up a littlebit.

Red Gerard: [01:12:32]Like I think when my brother Malcolm does it, he knows he'snot totally like that, but he'll look at like the best time orsomething like p.m. is like I'll post it then or something.Yeah.

Red Gerard: [01:12:43]So it's a little bit of strategy. Okay. And you get back tothe journalism thing here for a minute like so let's say you're nowa journalist, you've been a professional snowboarder.

Mark Sullivan: [01:12:53]Your career is kind of you have a lot more accomplishments,Donner all those other boxes when the next Olympic gold medal. Whois gonna be your first interview? Who do you want to sit down withand ask questions to?

Red Gerard: [01:13:06]Someone that's going to throw some like really differentresponses, you know, like especially just going through the all theOlympic interviews and stuff and send the same old stuff like Ihave so much respect for the interviews that happen or it's justlike talking about weight and stuff. You know, something so out ofthe ordinary. So someone that's going to say something differentwould be my first my first interview, which I have no clue wouldbe.

Mark Sullivan: [01:13:29]He takes him, takes some time and think aboutit.

Red Gerard: [01:13:32]But if you don't, you don't know who that person would beor maybe not off my head.

Red Gerard: [01:13:39]I wish I.

Red Gerard: [01:13:40]I'll get back in an hour and say, OK.

Mark Sullivan: [01:13:42]Ok. Like all kind of questions. Would you ask what would beyour first interview question on your first major interview? What'syour opening question? How do you crack the ice?

Red Gerard: [01:13:51]Oh, God, I have no. Oh, I see.

Red Gerard: [01:13:56]That's where that's where my journalism would go right backto like that average interview. You know, I like first. Firstquestion would just be something that I would not be psyched about.Ask any. No, sir.

Red Gerard: [01:14:07]I feel like I have to grow up a little bit more and thinkabout how I would want to take my my actual journalism in the routethat I would actually want to pursue myself as being.Yeah.

Mark Sullivan: [01:14:19]Ok. So. Yeah. So like, you know, like if I were to ask youa crazy question, would you be able to answer it?

Red Gerard: [01:14:26]Like like, you know, would you rather if you had to loseone limb, what would it be?

Mark Sullivan: [01:14:33]One Len Yeah, one lane what which one is that includesfingers and all that are just focus on lands.

Red Gerard: [01:14:41]You cut off the whole hand. But yeah, I don't know. Ihaven't thought this through very much. Oh, yeah.Yeah.

Red Gerard: [01:14:47]I think the other two like are reserved for. Okay. I'mtalking big lane.

Mark Sullivan: [01:14:53]Ok. I have nowhere really to take this question. Maybeyou're not going to be able to double fist. OK, that's gonna get inthe way of double fisting beers just so you know.True.

Red Gerard: [01:15:02]So that's a problem. Yeah. Yeah. No, I cannot dothat.

Red Gerard: [01:15:04]You gotta think it through all the way over. No, Edward.Forty hands. No.

Mark Sullivan: [01:15:09]Yeah. Okay. Okay. Here's another crazy question. Beer,liquor for the rest of your life.

Red Gerard: [01:15:16]Once I turn twenty one off the record. Beer. OK. OK. Let'ssee, blondes are brunettes. Who?

Mark Sullivan: [01:15:30]I'm not biased.

Red Gerard: [01:15:31]You know, like I've never been like, oh, I just likeblonde, blonde girls. I like it. I like everything, you know. Oh,well, I don't really matter with hair.

Mark Sullivan: [01:15:40]Right. Both at the same time, maybe.

Red Gerard: [01:15:43]Yeah. OK. Let me ask you this. That's a plus.

Mark Sullivan: [01:15:46]Did it become a lot easier for you? Because I knew howawkward I was when I was your age. Is it easier for you now thatyou have a Gold Medal to meet girls?

Red Gerard: [01:15:56]I actually read.

Red Gerard: [01:15:58]I have a girlfriend. I had a girlfriend like this wholetime, so I haven't even. Yeah, basically. Yeah.

Red Gerard: [01:16:04]Yeah. Is it Hayley Langlands.

Mark Sullivan: [01:16:06]Yeah. Yeah. OK. Well congratulations. Or some time.Yeah.

Red Gerard: [01:16:10]She's great. So it's like. Yeah I don't really have a dad.Does any girls.

Mark Sullivan: [01:16:16]Are there any like jealousy issues where you're jealous ofher traveling across the world or she's jealous of you. Going tofly to New York to have big time interviews or something like that.And people everywhere you go kissing your ass.

Red Gerard: [01:16:28]No, I mean, not too much.

Red Gerard: [01:16:31]She's got such cool stuff going, though, she's got like,you know, she's got cool stuff coming out with all of her sponsorsand stuff. And I'd say sometimes I'll get jealous with that andwhatnot. But it's cool that we get to live the same life necessary,you know? We both get to travel around together, which is reallysweet.

Mark Sullivan: [01:16:48]Do you consider it a long distance relationship or youtravel enough during the season where you're together that it's notreally a long distance relationship?

Red Gerard: [01:16:58]I consider it that, but like she she had gives her shouldersurgery this summer. Like going to New Zealand at now is a prettylong year since for we we're not having like her on a trip and allthat.

Mark Sullivan: [01:17:10]Ok. Do you have any advice for people in your situationlike how to make that kind of relationship work? Like what is yoursecret to the success of like staying in a relationship? You know,sometimes with long distance, sometimes with not some both of youare kind of like well known and famous. Like what? What helps you,like have a relationship and maintain a relationship?

Red Gerard: [01:17:33]What helps me, I mean, I feel pretty lucky.

Red Gerard: [01:17:35]Just because she's I've known her since I was like so youngand like before we even date was really good friends in asense.

Red Gerard: [01:17:43]So it was just like pretty pretty easy for me. And like,you know, if if we were to break up or something, it would even bea weird thing. Like, I think we would just be really good friendsall time.

Red Gerard: [01:17:54]Yeah. You're not going. I know. Or at least until ithappens.

Mark Sullivan: [01:17:58]Yeah. Yeah. Because they'll be travelingtogether.

Red Gerard: [01:18:01]Yeah. I have no clue about relationship advice. I know. I'm19 years old. I got nothing.

Mark Sullivan: [01:18:07]Ok. Well, I figured, you know, maybe you would have somebecause you got the Gold Medal. And I think that might help me, butI'm never gonna find out.

Red Gerard: [01:18:14]Yeah, yeah. Yeah, totally.

Mark Sullivan: [01:18:18]Ok. So. So when do you move to Tahoe? When are you going upthere?

Red Gerard: [01:18:23]I'm actually technically already moved in. I spent like tendays up there before I went to south Spain and allthat.

Mark Sullivan: [01:18:31]What are your roommates up there?

Red Gerard: [01:18:35]My roommate's up there, I'm just living by myself. But upin like in the winter and stuff like my brother Malachi, I'll liveup there. I definitely have some friends that come up and stay. ButI'm not necessarily going to do the roommate thing. I think likemaybe Christmas and New Year's and all that. I'm just going to tryto rent it out for like a month or two.

Red Gerard: [01:18:54]Right. And hopefully I won't have to do a roommatething.

Mark Sullivan: [01:18:57]Right. So where are you going to do your most laps in Tahoethis year? Like what's going to be your home resort upthere?

Red Gerard: [01:19:05]My home resort will be I don't know. Hopefully thebackcountry.

Mark Sullivan: [01:19:10]I like that answer. Although, you know, I'm sure there's alot of resort operators and park builders up there who are going totry to vie for your attention with your board.

Red Gerard: [01:19:20]Yeah. But it will be boreal mountain for if I'm a you know,if I'm going to go right resort. I like Boria. I love I really amnot back in Vail Resorts these days. Also, why not? Why not? I justthink I think they sucked it. I think they're trying to take away,you know, train parts from. From the mountains and stuffand.

Red Gerard: [01:19:40]Ok, we got to get into this for a minute.

Red Gerard: [01:19:43]Yeah. Easy Woodward resorts and powder and all that. Ithink that those guys are killing it over there and they are tryingto do the opposite of take away park riding snowboarding andfullfill resorts is like those are all your homemountains.

Red Gerard: [01:19:57]That's like Vail, Breckenridge, Keystone. Yeah.Yeah.

Mark Sullivan: [01:20:01]So what are they doing? That's like taking away from likefrom the sport. Like how is what moves are they making that'sactually detracting from the sport and sort of contributing to itsadvancement?

Red Gerard: [01:20:12]I mean, I've heard. Well, I mean, holy crap. I know a lotof mountains, you know, lift tickets around Christmas time ormassive. I know that.

[01:20:19] But like two hundred dollarsa day this year. So, you know.

Red Gerard: [01:20:22]Yeah, that's what I'm saying right there. It's VailResorts. Like those lift tickets are insane.

Red Gerard: [01:20:27]Like, I don't know what Copper's prices are and when all ofthat. But I know, like, you know, they they offer cool, cool dealsin the in the fall and all that for Lib Tech for season passes. ButI I've heard rumors that like Villers or is this trying to atKeystone and Brak like take away, you know, their five year plan.Is that like no part or train park or anything really. Which is amassive Bode. Right.

Red Gerard: [01:20:53]I think they'll be a Yeah. Or two or a sport. And I don'tknow, I I've been working with powder and wood word resorts latelyand I've just I've been back in their whole their whole vibe overthere and like the Woodward Park City that's happening right now,like that's going to be the biggest game changer ever.

Red Gerard: [01:21:12]I've been spending time out there just because we're doinglike a Redd's backyard thing at three resorts this year,Copper Killington and Park City.

Mark Sullivan: [01:21:21]What is that? Which is Red's Backyard.

Red Gerard: [01:21:23]It's going to be this little like Hike Park for this year.Hopefully Roboto in the next year. But this little hike parks thatlike you don't have to paid that copper. You're not gonna have topay any money. You have to sign a waiver and you can show up. It'slike right by the half-pipe, right. Like in front of the shoot.Forget the bar that's in front, but like right on the main mountainincline or something.

Red Gerard: [01:21:45]Yeah. Show up and you sign a waiver and you can hike thepark for free and and do all that. And that can be the same thingat Killington and Woodbury Park City.

Mark Sullivan: [01:21:56]Wow. That's pretty cool. Whose idea was that?

Red Gerard: [01:22:00]Well, I mean, the Reds backyard idea that came from like mybrothers. And then this one this one came from RyanRankin.

Red Gerard: [01:22:08]My mom actually, my mom is she's super. She's all aboutlike given back to the community and so on. So my I tried my bestto doing it, but my mom really liked the idea of not having to payfor Christmas and all that. Those times a year's not having to pay$200 for a ticket, that a kid can just show up to the mountain andhike some rails and not have to, you know, pay that massivefee.

Mark Sullivan: [01:22:34]And then you'll be putting in a Honda 50 each ofthese resorts eventually.

Red Gerard: [01:22:40]Yeah. Yeah. Hopefully a little bit more of an upgrade fromthe Honda Fiesta. But yeah. Yeah.

Mark Sullivan: [01:22:44]Are you still running that thing?

Red Gerard: [01:22:46]50? We've upgraded actually it's we got like an allelectric one now really at the backyard. You say plug it into awall. Flip a switch. It's pretty easy.

Red Gerard: [01:22:56]Wow. That was the first. That was a real change. You wonthat thing. That dirt bike maybe had like another month in it bythe end of the year. Right. Right.

Red Gerard: [01:23:04]I mean, it's pretty cool having your own rope tow inyour own backyard. You know that. It's like a dream.

Mark Sullivan: [01:23:26]So let me ask you this. Like you focus like your whole lifepretty much on snowboarding, right? I mean, it ticket as good asyou've gotten, as young as you have gotten there, you've had tofocus a lot of your efforts towards snowboarding. So let me ask youthis. It's like if snowboarding was for some reason taken away fromyou, for some reason, like you couldn't snowboard again, what wouldyou want to do?

Red Gerard: [01:23:51]I don't know. See, like I was on the plane, I was going toZurich or whatever the other day. And I sat down next to this guyand he was asking me about what I do and all that. And he's that.So what if you were to get hurt the next day, which is such arealistic thing?

Red Gerard: [01:24:04]I'm like, I have no clue what I would want to do. You know,I've always thought about it a little bit, but it's definitely nota realistic thing where that can happen in the snap of the fingersof like you, your job. In a way that quick. So I don't know. Ithink I'd be. Have no, I don't have too much of a clue, but itwould be really cool stay in the snowboarding industry or in theaction sports industry. So something like that. But I don't know. Imean, I think it has to go to school and do somethings.

Mark Sullivan: [01:24:40]Yeah. OK. So so now that you're going to Tahoe, new seasonstarting.

Mark Sullivan: [01:24:46]You got your your plan for the year. Do how long term areyou actually planning things out like. Are you planning through theentire season or are you planning for all the way through the nextOlympics? Are you planning for your entire snowboarding career?Like how do you plan into the future? What kind of goals do you setout there for yourself and how long range are you actually likelooking into the future?

Red Gerard: [01:25:10]Well, I plan for I mean, I plan probably my each year forcontest things, you know, like I know what contests imagine nextyear. I plan for that for filming. I had no clue. You know, justdepends on where the storm is heading. But I mean, my long term, mygoal, I guess I'll kind of plan for the next Olympics. Just sayingin my head, like seeing where my headspace is at, if I want to goto the next Olympics, I'll go there, which I do, you know, loves tomake that team again. Button that I really try not to plan too manythings that I like to definitely just like live by the moment.What's that? Carpe diem and roll over later.

Red Gerard: [01:25:52]Seize the day. A moment. Yeah. Live in the moment.Yep.

Mark Sullivan: [01:25:56]Ok. So you know, every year it seems like in snowboardingthe bar gets raised right. As far as progression goes where you seelike what do you see like a winning run in slopestyle looking likein 2022.

Mark Sullivan: [01:26:12]I don't know. I mean, I feel like we're at a point whereit's pretty like you're not going to see a lot more trickshappening.

Red Gerard: [01:26:17]New checks happening in twenty twenty two.

Mark Sullivan: [01:26:20]What is he perfect look like? I mean I'd say I think a lotof people ask me that. The courses have to throw differentobstacles in as far as all that. But they try to be a perfect meal.I like to 16 or something then Iran around all that. But if the isthe course goes in the way, I would want to go.

Red Gerard: [01:26:42]We'll see more bringing it back to just some 10, 80 yearsout and depending on what what's what the courseoffers.

Mark Sullivan: [01:26:50]So basically the course would become more challenging bythe terrain design where you wouldn't just be able to pop thebiggest gnarly spin that you have in your bag of tricks. And soyou'd have to actually be more technical with yourwriting.

Red Gerard: [01:27:04]I think yeah, I think that would be my goal. OK. And theway that I would see it happening. But I mean, other people havedifferent thoughts, too. Right.

Red Gerard: [01:27:17]I mean, would you start your own contest series with withthese newly designed type of courses or do you think that'ssomething that. Because I know Danny Davis has done the Peace Parkand we've seen other writers kind of the supernatural. True.Natural with Travis Rice. Would you. Is that something that youwould consider doing if these courses don't evolve to what yourvision of slopestyle snowboarding is? Would you actually take it onyourself to make it reality free for your friends andcompetitors?

Red Gerard: [01:27:46]I think that I I think I maybe like when I'm older, Iwouldn't want to do it right now. But once I have things more likeyou figured out, I guess I would consider something like that. ButI don't even know if I'd be necessarily. You know, the typicalpodium thing, like, I feel like it could just be like a stand upthing, like piece park or just not even like a thing or just like asession.

Mark Sullivan: [01:28:14]Yeah. But I mean, more so than maybe any other slopestylebesides you and Sage. It's like you've benefited from that podium.You know, it's like you're remember the guy who landed on top ofthe podium at the Olympics, which is arguably the biggest prize inthe sport. And you're saying that like you don't actually likecontests with podiums. You like a jam session and astandout?

Red Gerard: [01:28:36]I do. I am kind of saying that, but I actually do. I lovedoing contests. I don't mind them at all. Like have a lockout. I'mdoing them. And I think the pressure that comes off them is kind ofcool. Like I felt like at times I can snowboard a little bit betteroff than that.

Red Gerard: [01:28:51]Yes, I am saying that right now, but I do I actually don'tmind that a lot.

Red Gerard: [01:28:56]But if if it were to keep going that way, my idea would beto change up the course. You know, if you're going to. Yeah. One,two, three. Stowe. It would be to change up the course. Right. ButI'd also. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Mark Sullivan: [01:29:11]I mean it seems like you're one of these guys who actuallythrives under pressure just based on the fact the first 14 youpulled was in the finals of the contest. You won the gold in yourthird run right. At the Olympics. And so a lot of your biggestvictories or successes has come really when you've been under themost aggressive, most pressure as an athlete. Do you think thatthat's something? How did you learn how to, like, step up in thosesituations?

Red Gerard: [01:29:41]I just feel like at times it it works and whatnot. Like, Ifeel like I don't really have a total answer for that. Just like Ilike when it comes down to that moment, I'm like, I know like forthe Olympics shows, like I travel all the way out here, like I justwant to land or run.

Red Gerard: [01:29:56]And that's what I always say during everycontest.

Red Gerard: [01:29:58]It's just like, let me just land a run. And then afterthat, it's not up to me. And I think that's helped me a ton. Justsaying that in my head, so much of it is just mental. So I don'treally know how that all works, but.

Mark Sullivan: [01:30:14]Ok. Let me ask you this, because maybe I can tap into thisa little bit more. But it's like I see you wearing headphones whenyou're right. You're listening to music. I take it.

Red Gerard: [01:30:24]No. I mean, during practice as well. Not one ofsnowboarding in a contest.

Red Gerard: [01:30:28]No, not in the final. OK.

Red Gerard: [01:30:30]So well, just like nobody around. I will. But not not whenI'm doing contests.

Mark Sullivan: [01:30:34]Ok. So does music play a role in you learning tricks orevolution?

Red Gerard: [01:30:39]When I'm learning tricks. Yeah. But it depends on like theones like I'm a Chris Corning's headphones the other day and I knowthat he loves to listen to his music. Full blast doesn't want tohear anything. Right. And like other super noise canceling. And Ihate that. Like I had to come out early. I only listen, I want tohear from really like I want to hear what's going around reallybad.

Red Gerard: [01:31:01]And that's why I don't do it in a contest is because Ireally want to hear what's going on and hear the wind and all that.But what I'm learning shakes out. The only reason why like I'mwearing them is just because I want to have that. The way the youknow, the vibe of that music. You know, I want to have that pumpedup.

Mark Sullivan: [01:31:21]Right. What kind of music are you going to listen to whenyou're practicing or learning new tricks? Is it a specific genre orband or is it just like what you listen to on the way the mountainwhere you're stoked on in that moment?

Red Gerard: [01:31:32]Yeah, it's just kind of once they've done that moment like.Of rap playing one song, then the next song will be, you know, likejust some rock n roll or something. But a lot of the music that shereally gets me hyped up is that kind of depressing at times. Youknow, like kind of snowboard parts, songs will get me hyped up andthen I listen to some rap the next hour and it's all over forsure.

Mark Sullivan: [01:31:54]Ok. So what are you listening to right now? Like what's inyour playlist right now?

Red Gerard: [01:31:59]You'll see me play this right now. Definitely some rap. Iyou know, I think it was a.

[01:32:09] The art of flight orsomething, but they had this this one song, it's definitely moreharder of Cobram and I'm really like I really like that alot.

[01:32:18] So do you go out of your wayto listen to snowboard movie soundtracks, to get stoked, to goriding sometimes?

Red Gerard: [01:32:24]Like this song called The Black Angels is a young man. Thatis what it's called.

Red Gerard: [01:32:29]And that song like I'll put down on January and you checkthat one again. Maybe more than I need. Allright.

Red Gerard: [01:32:38]But definitely like just some rap song, that young thug orsomething is on the right ones.

Mark Sullivan: [01:32:46]So you mentioned like listening to the wind earlier. Likehow you want to end the wind definitely has an effect in Big Bearend in slopestyle. Have you ever been like forced to drop into aslopestyle course where you weren't actually feeling it because ofthe wind and they're like, OK, it's your turn dropping nextnextweek go. And you're like, yeah, I don't really want to go rightnow.

Red Gerard: [01:33:08]I think I have been. But there and you do have time. Like,I think people always forget about that. You have like you can say,even if you're a I called up, I'm waiting for the wind. I thinkI've always just dropped because as family, I'm late for the windright now. It's like maybe if it's blowing , but time I get down tothe jump, there won't be wind.

Red Gerard: [01:33:28]And if I were away, you know, like it's say, I can'tcontrol the wind. I have no clue. Right.

Red Gerard: [01:33:34]I always just drop whenever you do have time. And I feellike I have been sometimes forced into that. But it's just a nicestart. Anyways, it's you're going to do your run anyway, so youmight as well just go home.

Mark Sullivan: [01:33:49]Right. Have you ever been affected, like taken out by thewind where you're like just like a gust hits you and you're likethrown off or whatever?

Red Gerard: [01:33:57]And I've gotten pretty bodied actually just from that,like, really in that way. But like the first to run the Olympics,like I felt that was all wind. I'm pretty sure. I mean, yeah, Idefinitely felt the wind. Those two rounds is a really windy daythere.

Red Gerard: [01:34:12]I know it's it's pretty crazy that like all the round thevenue at the Olympics. So like during the girl slopestyle, it waslike blowing hard that morning and it was hard during the guysevent. But like, I just remember being like, oh, man, they can't doan event today.

Mark Sullivan: [01:34:24]This is crazy.

Mark Sullivan: [01:34:26]I look around the venue and the hillside across from thevenue is covered with wind turbines.

Mark Sullivan: [01:34:32]I'm like, oh yeah. They put those there for a reason, huh?Like it's windy here, right? It's real windy there,dude.

Red Gerard: [01:34:38]Every tap into that mountain. They did a test event there.Do. And it was windy there that day too. As many other competing,you know, it was just a windy setup.

Mark Sullivan: [01:34:48]Is that the biggest challenge you generally face incompetition is like it for in terms of like conditions. It's reallythe wind that's going to have like a effect on on your ability toride well or is it like part course design?

Red Gerard: [01:35:01]Sometimes the wind, sometimes the snow conditions. I mean,what's going to have a big effect? I won't say.

Red Gerard: [01:35:07]I would say the biggest thing in my me, I think he chosedifferent.

Red Gerard: [01:35:10]Like, I don't mind if it's snowing out. I think the wind isreally big and I hate that. He adds, The biggest thing for me isthe wind, but I'd say other people think knows the worst. But Iactually kind of like when it's snowing out, I'm like it kind ofgives you that that had that like mindset.

Mark Sullivan: [01:35:29]Your head rides up if it's, you know, it's snowing. And soif I fall, you know, maybe it's because it's numb in its largest mywriting.

Red Gerard: [01:35:37]He gives you a nice little excuse. Yeah. Yeah, maybe alittle excuse. You know, right on.

Mark Sullivan: [01:35:43]Right on. OK, so throw you've been down there in SouthernCalifornia for a while. Do you get to go and visit your sponsorswhile you're down there? Do you go and visit the magazines whileyou're down there? I mean, what else do you do untilreally.

Red Gerard: [01:35:56]Yeah. Yeah. Transworld skateboarding or Transmode officeshave a crazy skate park there, so.

Red Gerard: [01:36:02]Right. My brother used to work there. So we go there allthe time and we still go there. MARK COLVIN And they're justobviously.

Red Gerard: [01:36:10]So let's get there and then I go to Oakley in LakeForest.

Mark Sullivan: [01:36:14]How do you describe their building? Because people have noidea how crazy that places.

Red Gerard: [01:36:19]I know, right? Just a massive bunker. Places place is nuts.But yeah, love going there. Like picking out the crazy sunglasses.That's really fun.

Mark Sullivan: [01:36:26]Yeah.

Mark Sullivan: [01:36:27]What do you think of like the the whole like the design ofthat place? Because it's almost like a like the movie Alien, likesome H.R. Geiger type of like spaceship of birth or somethingpostmodern.

Red Gerard: [01:36:40]Totally. Yeah, I know. Every time I went there, I wasreally young and I had like crazy thoughts about it. Now I knowthere I just feel like I'm like so used to go in there. But itreally is nuts, especially inside. Like, everything is just massivein metal. Like it's everything's metal and justmassive.

Red Gerard: [01:36:58]Yeah. Now it seems like you're like one of the top guys onthe Oakley team who are the other guys that are like on the Oakleyteam and like what? What's the deal with Oakley and having. All thetop athletes in terms of snowboarders.

Mark Sullivan: [01:37:12]I think they make great product.

Red Gerard: [01:37:15]And I also mean, they do they make great product. I thinkthey've always had a really cool team. And that's the reason why Iwent over to clichés, because they they have a history of justhaving a team.

Mark Sullivan: [01:37:28]It seems like at times they do a lot for the riders, youknow, which I'm all about, and even the Oakley, which I'm bound Igot to attend. But those seem fun and seem cool. But my some myfavorite writers on Oakley right now, it just hangs at SageKotsenberg.

Red Gerard: [01:37:49]Nik Baden's on this is yeah, there's there's some goodriders for sure.

Mark Sullivan: [01:37:55]Do you have any like pro model type gear? I know it's agoal for a lot of riders is to have signature products eitheraboard. And I know I know Burton doesn't make like a lot of promodel boards, but do you have any signature products in the markettoday or do you have the goal of having signature proxies gettinginvolved with the design process for snowboardinggear?

Red Gerard: [01:38:16]Yeah, I don't even know if I can like say any of this, butlike, I think like my Olympic gear, I think I'm hopefully a Oakleysignature goggle does.

Mark Sullivan: [01:38:31]I hope you do, too. Yes. Yeah. But no, no, like Burton andstuff. I always have ideas and they're super cool. Like with theyare, you know, a third me, I was do these roundtables, they get theU.S. Open and stuff or we help design all this stuff which isreally cool. That's pretty rare fluids. Right.

Mark Sullivan: [01:38:49]So four years in a row, you've told them they've won theone improvement I could see as a pro model for me. And so me andgetting the message after about four or five years.

Red Gerard: [01:38:57]Yeah, exactly. And for the whole team, I'm just saying.Yep, you guys need to make me a pro model. No, no, not really.Yeah. I wrote cause the max. I love the custom that.Yeah.

Mark Sullivan: [01:39:12]They want to make you an equal but it works righton.

Mark Sullivan: [01:39:15]So. So you don't have the ambition of like being a productdeveloper getting into that side of things necessarily a little bitbenign as a profession.

Red Gerard: [01:39:24]I'm more just like there's like a couple pieces that Iwould like to make, like have maybe like a line but never like todevelop a whole company's outerwear and all that.

Red Gerard: [01:39:36]No.

Mark Sullivan: [01:39:36]Ok. So, you know, you've had this like expansive andsuccessful career in snowboarding. And I think there's a lot ofkids out there that look up to you. And so maybe you can give themsome advice and like how they should approach snowboarding and howthey should perceive the sport in terms of like how they're goingto get the most enjoyment out of it. Because it occurs to me thatyou're still having fun, despite all the pressure, despite all thepeople out there kind of like pulling you in different directions.It just occurs to me that you're still having a good time. So whatadvice do you have for kids to get the most out of thesport?

Red Gerard: [01:40:10]I mean, my advice is like what? What I did when I wasyounger, I rode my brother's high road, my friends.

Red Gerard: [01:40:17]And that's what I do to the day. You know, I am on the eastnumbering team. Ideal of a coach necessarily. But like one of mycoach, my coaches like my best friend, you know, he's a great guy.Both of them are really great guys and they're fun to ride with.So, I mean, my my thing is, surround yourself with people you liketo be be around and surround yourself with. Snowboarders that arebetter than you if you want to take it to the next level. I alwaysgrew up a snowboarder is that we're ripping and doing shapes that Iwanted to do. And eventually I kind of Cardiff, you know, rode withthem to the point where I could do the tricks that they were doing.I think that I'll be a lot, but never take it too seriously.Snowboarding is never like, I guess it is Olympic sport, but Inever did take it just years because it's not worth it. Justsnowboarding, you know, like some football. You.

Red Gerard: [01:41:07]You know, you don't have these concepts that are making youdo it and stuff. I guess you do. But just have fun.

Mark Sullivan: [01:41:14]Cool. Well, thank you so much for your time here today.Read. You are an incredible athlete. Also, though, a great person.Right. And that's the thing that impresses me. Like when you wonthe gold at the Olympics, I was like, cool. There's a goodrepresentative for the sport of snowboarding in that I didn't seeyou as a guy. You took it like so seriously that you wouldn't havefun with it. And I think certainly the example that you've given tokids is like someone who really enjoys the sport, enjoys what hedoes, and and has a great time with the sport ofsnowboarding.

Red Gerard: [01:41:46]So thank you, Mark. Thank you for having me on. Theyappreciate is fun. Yeah, cool.

[01:42:25] You know what, I can't standlike when all these people like, oh, I listen to this podcast,.

[01:42:36] You know what you're doing?Doing nothing unless you listen to The Snowboard Project. Season 2,end of story. Forget about it.

The Snowboard Project: Red Gerard - Gold Medals and the Joy of backcountry snowboarding - Episode 126 (2025)


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.