Weilers Gentle Giants (2025)

1. Weiler's Gentle Giants in Ohio | Bulldog and Mastiff puppies

  • Get to know Weiler's Gentle Giants in Ohio. See puppy photos, reviews, health information. Easy to apply. Find the best Bulldog and Mastiff for you.

  • Get to know Weiler’s Gentle Giants in Ohio. See puppy photos, reviews, health information. Easy to apply. Find the best Bulldog and Mastiff for you.

2. Weiler's Gentle Giants: AKC Mastiffs - Facebook

  • http://weilersgentlegiants.webs.com Producing quality Mastiff puppies from health tested champion blood lines.

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

3. Weiler's Gentle Giants - Mastiff Breeders and Information

  • We take pride in producing AKC Registered Quality Gentle Giants, with great temperaments, well socialized and good conformation. We love ...

  • Our goal is to produce big and beautiful pet/show quality Mastiffs that possess loving family tem...

4. Weiler's Gentle Giants - Mastiff Breeders and Information

5. Weiler's Mr. Personality at Hazelwood

  • Weiler's Luck be a Laydee. Gender. Male. Date of Birth. July 15, 2022. Coat. Brindle with Black Mask. Owner. Hazelwood Kennels. Breeder. Weiler's Gentle Giants.

  • Stud Service from Frank is available to approved bitches of merit. Frank is an amazing dog that has shown the quality and drive we look for. In his first six months of showing, he took Best Baby Puppy in Group. In his first year, he earned Best Puppy in Show, and three Best Puppy in Group.

6. Breeder Referral - Mastiff Club of America

  • The Mastiff Club of America offers its members an opportunity to be listed on the clubs Breeder Referral program for a monetary donation to the club.

  • The Mastiff Club of America offers its members an opportunity to be listed on the clubs Breeder Referral program for a monetary donation to the club. These

7. Saint Weiler (Saint Bernard & Rottweiler Mix) Dog Breed - Dogster

  • 7 days ago · While we have mentioned that Saint Weilers are gentle giants, this affection is generally reserved for their family and known friends. They ...

  • The Saint Weiler dog breed is certainly not for the faint-hearted! This cross comes from a hybrid of purebred parentage of Rottweilers and Saint Bernards, two huge breeds.

8. English Mastiffs at Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions

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  • We rescue English Mastiffs and adopt them into safe, responsible, loving homes as inside members of the family.  We save all English Mastiffs, whether they are perfectly healthy, or whether they have been injured and are in need of major or minor medical care. This is our charity and we will rescue and save every English Mastiff's life.

9. 7 Best Mastiff Breeders in Ohio! - We Love Doodles

  • Dec 6, 2021 · We have compiled a list of breeders in Ohio and neighboring states that you can contact to start your journey to owning a Mastiff.


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  • Tracy Posner Ward is the daughter of philanthropist and industrialist, Victor Posner (Forbes 400). Tracy and her father operated 3,600 family owned and public companies with more than 200,000...

11. Puppies for sale - Gentle Giants German Shepherds

  • Missing: weilers | Show results with:weilers

  • German Shepherd Puppies,large boned, plush, short haired, black and tan, red and tan, Rare jet blacks. Socialized, raised by family. Parents on site. Kept in the family home.

12. About English Mastiffs at Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions

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  • We rescue English Mastiffs and adopt them into safe, responsible, loving homes as inside members of the family.  We save all English Mastiffs, whether they are perfectly healthy, or whether they have been injured and are in need of major or minor medical care. This is our charity and we will rescue and save every English Mastiff's life.

13. If you are ready to adopt a Great Dane, Borzoi, English Mastiff, Greyhound ...

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  • We adopt and rescue all Gentle Giants and Little Giants, including Great Danes, Borzoi, Great Pyrenees, Irish Wolfhounds, Scottish Deerhounds, Saint Bernards, Newfoundlands, Greyhounds, English Mastiffs, Neopolitan Mastiffs, Bullmastiffs, Fila Brasileiro Brazilian Mastiffs, Adronicus Mastiffs, South African Boerboel Mastiffs, Dogue de Bordeaux Mastiffs, American Mastiffs, Tibetan Mastiffs, Spanish Mastiffs, Sasquatch, Leonbergers, Whippets, Silken Windhounds, Italian Greyhounds, Chinese Cresteds, Xoloitzcuintle and find them qualified, safe and loving homes as inside members of the family.  And we take them whether they perfect, or whether they have been injured and are in need of major or minor medical care.  This is our charity and we will rescue and save every life.

14. Waylon, the Gentle Giant - Ann H. Gabhart

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  • Mastiffs are docile, dignified and patient, lovable companions. Dogs known as mastiffs have been known around the world for thousands of years. Surviving evidence from ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, …

Weilers Gentle Giants (2025)


Are Rottweilers gentle giants? ›

Majestic in stature with its massive muscles, the Rottweiler can be a gentle giant or an intimidating canine depending on its training and breeding. With a natural instinct towards protection, early socialization and consistent leadership will determine its temperament.

What dog breed is known as a gentle giant? ›

Great Dane

These dogs are best known for their size, as their name suggests. They are the epitome of, “Gentle Giants”. They are very loving towards everyone which makes them a great family pet to have.

Why are elephants called gentle giants? ›

Answer. The poet calls the elephants gentle giants because they quietly do what they are told to in circus. They perform all the tricks and do not attack the audience.

What animal is known as gentle giants? ›

The gentle giant, Elephants, with their long trunks, tusks, and distinctive features, stand as the largest land animals on Earth. Roaming across savannas, grasslands, and forests, these majestic creatures captivate us with their intelligence, social dynamics, and incredible memories.

What is the weakness of Rottweiler? ›


These include optical disorders, including cataracts, entropion and progressive retinal atrophy, as well as hip dysplasia and association orthopedic complaints. More serious incidences of bloat and gastric tortion are commonly observed in the large breeds, and the Rottweiler is no exception.

Can Rottweilers get aggressive? ›

Despite the stereotype, no — Rottweilers are not inherently aggressive. These large dogs can be protective, but that does not mean they are any more dangerous than other dog breeds.

What is the calmest large dog? ›

1. Great Dane. Great Danes are the tallest of all dog breeds, noble and graceful, and yup—a totally mellow dog breed! Don't confuse size with needing a ton of exercise, Great Danes might be one of the best examples of this.

What is the most gentle big dog? ›

10 Large Dog Breeds That Are Gentle
  • 1/11. Photo by Getty Images. Don't be fooled by the dominating stature of these canines. ...
  • 2/11. Great Dane. Height: 30-37 inches. ...
  • 3/11. Bernese Mountain Dog. Height: 23-28 inches. ...
  • 4/11. St. Bernard. Height: 25-28 inches. ...
  • 5/11. Bullmastiff. ...
  • 6/11. Newfoundland. ...
  • 7/11. Leonberger. ...
  • 8/11. Irish Wolfhound.
Apr 24, 2015

What is the name of the aggressive elephant? ›

Musth has been conserved through evolution in spite of the loss in body condition suffered during the period. Elephants in musth are very aggressive and dominate other males, which may be stronger physically but not in musth.

Why are they called as gentle giants? ›

The passage is about dugongs, which are large marine mammals known as "gentle giants" due to their peaceful and slow-moving nature. They are called gentle giants because they are large in size but have a calm and non-aggressive behavior.

What does it mean to be called a gentle giant? ›

a person or animal that may seem intimidating because of great size, strength, talent, influence, etc., but is surprisingly friendly and not aggressive or threatening: Don't be afraid of my huge dog—St.

What is the friendliest whale to humans? ›

Blue whales are often referred to as the “gentle giants” of the ocean, and for good reason. Despite their massive size, they are known for their calm and docile behavior. They are curious creatures and have been observed approaching boats and interacting with humans in a friendly manner.

What is the name of the toughest animal to ever live? ›

The hands down hardest creature is a tardigrade, also known as a waterbear. Less than 1.5mm long, they can dehydrate their bodies to just 1 per cent of their normal water content.

What is the gentlest creature on Earth? ›

The most friendly animal on earth is often considered to be the capybara from Central and Southern America. This large member of the rodent family is a sociable, easy to train creature that enjoys the company of human beings.

What is the friendliest giant dog breed? ›

Top 25 Most Affectionate Large Breed Dogs
  • Labrador Retriever. Newsletter. ...
  • Bernese Mountain Dog. Bernese Mountain Dogs are very active. ...
  • Redbone Coonhound. Redbone Coonhounds are among the friendliest dogs on earth. ...
  • Golden Retriever. ...
  • Irish Red and White Setter. ...
  • Irish Setter. ...
  • Newfoundland. ...
  • German Longhaired Pointer.
Jul 23, 2021

Is a Rottweiler a large or giant breed? ›

Technically a "medium / large" breed, according to the FCI standard the Rottweiler stands 61–69 cm (24–27 in) at the withers for males, 56–63 cm (22–25 in) for females, and the weight must be between 50 and 60 kg (110 and 132 lbs) for males and 35 and 48 kg (77 and 105 lbs) for females.

Are Rottweilers big barkers? ›

So, they may not be the best choice for you if you are allergic to dogs. You might think that a Rottweiler's watchdog nature means the breed is prone to barking. On the contrary, Rottweilers are not big barkers. They are calm and quiet and only bark to warn you of danger if necessary.

How cuddly are Rottweilers? ›

Rottweilers are generally loving dogs who show their affection through leaning or cuddling. While they tend to not bark as much as other dogs, you might hear a “Rottie grumble,” says Renee Rhoades, an applied animal behaviorist and founder of R+Dogs, a virtual canine behavior practice.


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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

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Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.